Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

26. CASH AND BANK BALANCES Group Company 2019 2018 2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Deposits with licensed banks 160,485 194,807 39,715 38,657 Cash in hand and at banks 594,464 780,967 12,296 1,966 Cash and bank balances (Note 46) 754,949 975,774 52,011 40,623 For the purpose of statements of cash flows: Cash and bank balances 754,949 975,774 52,011 40,623 Less: - Cash and bank balances not available for use (163,611) (249,286) (36,634) (35,615) - Bank overdrafts (Note 32) – (4,905) – (3,966) Total cash and cash equivalents 591,338 721,583 15,377 1,042 The interest rates for the deposits with licensed banks range from 2.65% to 4.38% (2018: 2.75% to 3.45%) per annum and the maturities of deposits as at the end of the financial year range from 1 to 365 days (2018: 1 to 365 days). Included in cash at banks of the Group are amounts of RM362,211,000 (2018: RM478,481,000) held pursuant to Section 7A of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act, 1966 and are therefore restricted from use in other operations. Cash and bank balances not available for use of the Group and of the Company are: (i) Deposits of the Group held in trust by a trustee of RM15,965,000 (2018: RM6,815,000) for golf course members’ subscription fees. (ii) Deposits of the Group and of the Company amounting to RM17,883,000 (2018: RM19,574,000) and RM790,000 (2018: RM790,000) respectively which are pledged as securities for bank guarantees granted to the Group and to the Company. (iii) Deposits of the Group and of the Company amounting to RM91,026,000 (2018: RM96,281,000) and RM35,038,000 (2018: RM34,088,000) respectively which are pledged as securities for banking facilities granted to the Group and the Company. (iv) Placements of debt service reserve and escrow accounts of the Group and of the Company amounting to RM38,737,000 (2018: RM126,616,000) and RM806,000 (2018: RM737,000) respectively which are pledged as securities for term loans granted to the Group and the Company. pg 209 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019 Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information