Sasbadi Annual Report 2021

65 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) 65 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF SASBADI HOLDINGS BERHAD (continued) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Key Audit Matters (continued) Key Audit Matters of the Group 1. Annual impairment assessment of the carrying amount of goodwill The carrying amount of goodwill of Sanjung Unggul Sdn. Bhd. and its subsidiaries amounted to RM10,253,000 as disclosed in Note 7 to the financial statements. We determined the annual assessment of impairment of goodwill to be a key audit matter because of the significance of goodwill to the Group’s consolidated financial position and it requires significant management judgement and assumptions in determining the value-in-use of the cash generating units based on probability weighted approach to determine the expected cash flows. These judgements and assumptions include projected growth in future revenues and profit margins, as well as determining appropriate pre-tax discount rates, growth rates and considering the impact of COVID- 19 pandemic. Audit response Our audit procedures included the following: a. Compared prior period projection to actual outcome to assess reliability of management’s projections; b. Compared cash flow projections against the CGU’s recent performance, then assessed and evaluated the key assumptions made in the forecast and projections; c. Verified projected profit margins, growth rates and terminal values to support the key assumptions in projections by corroborating information from other areas of our audit; d. Verified pre-tax discount rate used by management for each CGU by comparing to market rate, weighted average cost of capital of the Group and relevant risk factors; and e. Performed sensitivity analysis of our own to stress test the key assumptions in the impairment model. 2. Impairment assessment of trade receivables As at 31 August 2021, the gross trade receivables of the Group was RM39,174,000 and the associated impairment losses of trade receivables was RM5,507,000, as disclosed in Note 15 to the financial statements. We determined this to be a key audit matter because it requires management to exercise significant judgements in determining the probability of default by trade receivables as well as the use of appropriate forward-looking information.