Sasbadi Annual Report 2021

Supporting underserved communities Over the years, Sasbadi has been actively donating our books to students and families in need. One particular organisation which we have been working with since 2005 is The Reading Bus Club, a Non-Governmental Organisation who seeks to address the basic literacy and reading needs of students frommarginalised and low-income families. The Reading Bus Club started by visiting villages located a few hours out of Kuching, Sarawak; driving books and volunteers to read to and interact with the children there. Their mission is one that we wholeheartedly share: to provide every child with the opportunity to enjoy school and life through reading. Over the last 16 years, Sasbadi has supported The Reading Bus Club with a variety of books which includes reference books, workbooks, storybooks, illustrated books, dictionaries and educational comic books. This year, we have donated more than RM90,000 worth of books to benefit school children. Connecting Teachers and Students In June-July 2021, the Group hosted a series of 21 webinars named BONGKAR SPM which covered 13 SPM subjects for Form 4 and 5 students to attend free of charge. The webinars featured well experienced teachers as our speakers, many of whom are esteemed authors for the Group’s academic publications. Similar to the i-LEARN Ace CSR campaign which aimed to help the SPM 2020 candidates, the BONGKAR SPM webinars were organised to give SPM 2021 students much-needed support in their exam preparations as they had not been able to attend school for most of the year due to the MCO. BONGKAR SPM received more than 18,000 registrations and 500 to 1,000 participants present per session depending on the subject. Bridging the Digital Divide amidst the pandemic The sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked an urgent need for quality digital solutions to aid teachers and students in carrying out nationwide home-based learning. This in particular had severely affected the year 2020 SPM examination candidates who fell behind in their preparations due to school closures and a multitude of uncertainties. In response, the Group stepped forward to provide these SPM examination candidates free access to our e-learning platform, i-LEARN Ace – a comprehensive self-paced learning solution designed to help students study more effectively and efficiently. These SPM candidates were able to access i-LEARN Ace till the end of SPM examination in March 2021. Post the CSR campaign, the Group received overwhelming feedback and testimonies from SPM students who managed to achieve excellent results thanks to i-LEARN Ace. BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY Every year, the Group undertakes various initiatives as a way to give back to society, particularly in the area of education which is our passion and expertise. Our Corporate Social Responsibility activities are an important part of the Group’s endeavour to make quality education accessible to all. Scan this page with the Sasbadi Play app for interactive content SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 (continued)