Sasbadi Annual Report 2021

Copyright compliance is also essential to our business. Thus, we carefully monitor the usage of contents and actively mitigate any copyright infringement risks. We also continuously educate our people on copyright and licensing issues. We are committed to adhering to data protection as data is a valuable asset to the Group. We have developed a policy for information management which provides guidance to our employees on how to control the usage of and restrict access to our data whenever necessary, in the interest of the Group. Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is critical in facilitating our operations and the Group strives to build long term mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers. Therefore, we engage with our suppliers in a fair, transparent and ethical manner. We review our suppliers based on, amongst others, price and payment terms, product and service quality, operation scale and their geographical proximity to our facilities. Suppliers who share similar core values with us would be our preferred suppliers. We take all reasonable effort to conduct appropriate evaluations of our potential suppliers. We would regularly check on the supplies received and occasionally, engage other suppliers on a trial basis. This is to promote healthy competition among our suppliers and encourage better performance. • Authors and their materials are assessed by our Senior Editors, Commissioning Editors and Managing Editor with respect to their qualifications, quality and relevance to Sasbadi’s publications. A descriptive and critical review process will take place upon receiving the manuscripts for the purpose of quality control. • Content development and modification are overseen by the Editorial and Production departments. After multiple rounds of checking and review, the final manuscript will be approved by our Publishing Manager before being published. • Editors undergo regular training to ensure they are up to date with the requirements and direction set by the Ministry of Education. We also encourage our authors to keep abreast with such developments. 3 2 1 Investor Relations We are committed to maintaining a strong relationship with our investors. We strive to be transparent in our ongoing engagements and communication with our investors as well as the general investment community to facilitate a mutual understanding of expectations. As such, we promptly update our investors with the latest information via the available channels such as our corporate website. Updates are made up of, amongst others, our financial results, annual reports, announcements, circulars and notices of general meetings. Quality Control The quality of our products and services remains a priority. This is so that we achieve customer satisfaction and trust which ultimately contribute towards sustainable earnings. To ensure a level of quality, we have identified the following two critical aspects in the production process and implemented quality control measures for them. Product Responsibility In order for Sasbadi’s products to remain reliable and up to par with the current educational needs, we ensure that, amongst others: • Fair Dealing • Abuse of Power, Discrimination and Harassment • Protection of Assets and Resources The Group’s Code of Conduct, which has been tailored to our current business operations, serves as a guiding framework for the ethical and legal business decision-making of our Directors, officers and employees. The areas covered are as follows: • Compliance Procedures • Conflict of Interest • Confidentiality • Insider Information and Securities Trading We did not record any breach in the Code of Conduct in FYE 31 August 2021. (continued) SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT 36 SASBADI HOLDINGS BERHAD