Sasbadi Annual Report 2021

• Recipient of "Anugerah Perdana 2013 - Tokoh Industri Buku Negara" by Yayasan Pembangunan Buku Negara • Recipient of the BrandLaureate Great Entrepreneur Brand Icon Award 2016 • Top Nominee in the Master Category of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 Malaysia Award 1 1 Law King Hui is the Managing Director of the Group and was appointed to the Board on 7 May 2013. As one of the co-founders, he has been instrumental in the development, growth and success of the Group. He graduated from Tunku Abdul Rahman College with a Certificate in Electronics Engineering. He started his career in 1980 with a semiconductor manufacturing company and left to join a local publishing company in January 1981 where he held various positions during his employment there. He left the company in April 1985 and co-founded Sasbadi Sdn Bhd. He leads the development of the Group’s strategies and policies, and plays an active role in product development and innovation. His contributions have led to the transformation of the Group from a pure educational print publisher to a Group with diverse learning and teaching solutions that complement the print publishing business. These include digital learning technology, digital education products, applied learning tools that facilitate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ("STEM") education, education services via online platform, English language learning and assessment solutions and a network marketing business. He has enjoyed a colourful career as an entrepreneur with more than 40 years of experience in the education industry. He has held numerous key positions over a span of more than 30 years in various organisations, including Chairman of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Advisory Council; President of the ASEAN Book Publishers Association (ABPA); Chairman of the Malaysian Book Industry Council (MBIC); President of the Malaysian Book Publishers Association (MABOPA); Treasurer of the Majlis Buku Kebangsaan Malaysia (MBKM) and Treasurer of the Malaysian Chinese Language Council (MCLC). He is currently a member of the WRO Advisory Council, a member of the Industry Advisory Panel for the Faculty of Language and Communications Studies, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and a member of the Industry Advisory Committee, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. He is also highly sought after in forums, round-tables, seminars, conferences, and lectures for his new ideas, concepts and strategies aimed at promoting a reading culture and expanding Malaysia’s book industry. His contributions led to himbeing selected as one of the 21 personalities documented in the publication, “Tokoh-tokoh Perbukuan Malaysia” by the National Library Malaysia, which recognises book activists and professionals who have made significant contributions towards the development of the book industry and reading culture in the country. Save for the family relationship with Law Yi Chian, who is his daughter, he has no family relationship with any other director and/or major shareholder of the Company. He does not have any conflict of interests with the Company. Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak. 2011. Tokoh-tokohMalaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-931-236-2. LAW KING HUI Group Managing Director Gender - Male Nationality - Malaysian Age - 62 (continued) DIRECTORS’ PROFILES 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2021