Sasbadi Annual Report 2021

113 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) 113 24. TAXATION (continued) Group Company 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Reconciliation of taxation (Loss)/Profit before tax (10,456) (9,304) (939) 34 Income tax using Malaysian tax rate of 24% (2020: 24%) (2,510) (2,233) (225) 8 Non-deductible expenses 763 901 1,483 194 Non-taxable income (515) (21) (1,258) (202) Crystallisation of deferred tax (419) - - - Unrecognised deferred tax assets 951 927 - - (1,730) (426) - - Under provision in prior years 525 74 - - (1,205) (352) - - 25. LOSS PER ORDINARY SHARE (“LPS”) The calculation of basic LPS was based on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and a weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, calculated as follows: Group 2021 2020 Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders (RM’000) (9,251) (8,952) Weighted average number of ordinary shares (‘000) 420,541 419,099 Basic loss per ordinary share (sen) (2.20) (2.14) Diluted EPS is equivalent to the basic EPS as the share option had an anti-dilutive effect of the basic EPS and the Group has no other instruments with potential dilutive effects as at 31 August 2021.