Sasbadi Annual Report 2019

PAGE 129 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) 23. Financial instruments (continued) 23.5 Liquidity risk (continued) Maturity analysis The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s and of the Company’s financial liabilities as at the end of the reporting period based on undiscounted contractual payments: Carrying amount Contractual interest/ Profit rate Contractual cash flows Under 1 year 1 – 5 years More than 5 years 2019 RM’000 % RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group Non-derivative financial liabilities Bank overdrafts 16,448 4.55% to 8.17% 17,770 17,770 - - Bankers’ acceptances 1,924 4.49% 1,924 1,924 - - Finance lease liabilities 338 2.49% to 3.39% 367 125 242 - Term loans 16,650 4.87% to 9.92% 19,621 4,731 10,937 3,953 Trade and other payables 17,484 - 17,484 17,484 - - Financial guarantees - - 564 564 - - 52,844 57,730 42,598 11,179 3,953 Company Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 407 - 407 407 - - Financial guarantees - - 35,022 35,022 - - 407 35,429 35,429 - -