Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 93 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 3. Property, plant and equipment Group Condominiums Leasehold land Buildings Motor vehicles Office equipment, furniture and fittings Renovation Computers Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Cost/Valuation At 1 September 2015 298 11,350 14,650 10,902 2,544 285 1,818 41,847 Acquisitions through business combinations (Note 29) - 4,075 940 276 536 24 17 5,868 Additions - - 7,770 931 66 38 160 8,965 Disposals - - - (1,669) - - - (1,669) Written off - - - - (5) - - (5) At 31 August 2016/1 September 2016 298 15,425 23,360 10,440 3,141 347 1,995 55,006 Acquisitions through business combinations (Note 29) - - - 61 187 192 11 451 Additions - - 2,666 167 314 657 101 3,905 Disposals - - - (1,083) - - - (1,083) Written off - - - - (55) - - (55) At 31 August 2017 298 15,425 26,026 9,585 3,587 1,196 2,107 58,224 Representing items at: Cost - 4,075 11,376 9,585 3,587 1,196 2,107 31,926 Direc tors’ valuation 298 11,350 14,650 - - - - 26,298 At 31 August 2017 298 15,425 26,026 9,585 3,587 1,196 2,107 58,224