Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

Anugerah Perdana Munsyi Abdullah: Penerbit Swasta - Anugerah Buku Negara 2010 Awarded to Sasbadi Sdn Bhd $VLD 3DFLƓF *ROGHQ &URZQ $ZDUG 2016-2017: The High Achievers Award Awarded to Sasbadi Holdings Berhad 0DVWHU &DWHJRU\ RI WKH (< (QWUHSUHQHXU 2I 7KH <HDU 0DOD\VLD $ZDUG 7RS 1RPLQHH Awarded to Mr Law King Hui, Group Managing Director of Sasbadi Holdings Berhad 7KH %UDQG/DXUHDWH *UHDW (QWUHSUHQHXU %UDQG ,FRQ /HDGHUVKLS $ZDUG Awarded to Mr Law King Hui, Group Managing Director of Sasbadi Holdings Berhad $QXJHUDK 3HUGDQD 7RNRK ,QGXVWUL %XNX Negara): Anugerah Buku Negara 2013 Awarded to Mr Law King Hui, Group Managing Director of Sasbadi Holdings Berhad $VLD <HV %UDQG $ZDUG Awarded to i-LEARN Ace (product of MindTech Education Sdn Bhd) 0/0b*ROGHQ 0LGDV $ZDUG Awarded to MindTech Education Sdn Bhd ANNUAL REPORT 2017 7 AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS )RFXV 0DOD\VLDōV %HVW 8QGHU %LOOLRQ Awards 2017 : Best in Online Presence Awarded to Sasbadi Holdings Berhad