Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

64 SASBADI HOLDINGS BERHAD (1022660-T) I BER AD (10 2 60-T) STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 AUGUST 2017 Group Company Note 2017 2016 2017 2016 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Assets Property, plant and equipment 3 44,306 42,581 - - Investment properties 4 2,584 2,637 - - Intangible assets 5 26,217 27,737 - - Investments in subsidiaries 6 - - 93,008 83,608 Other investments 7 371 367 - - Deferred tax assets 13 1,369 1,018 - - Total non-current assets 74,847 74,340 93,008 83,608 Inventories 8 65,188 47,869 - - Current tax assets 2,805 2,657 12 - Trade and other receivables 9 54,122 51,689 15,785 24,122 Prepayments 2,888 2,486 - - Cash and cash equivalents 10 10,246 25,885 97 4,891 Total current assets 135,249 130,586 15,894 29,013 Total assets 210,096 204,926 108,902 112,621 Equity Share capital 108,210 69,850 108,210 69,850 Share premium - 38,401 - 38,401 Reserves 37,173 39,393 261 3,985 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 11 145,383 147,644 108,471 112,236 Non-controlling interests - 5,467 - - Total equity 145,383 153,111 108,471 112,236 Liabilities Loans and borrowings 12 20,429 9,517 - - Deferred tax liabilities 13 6,463 7,429 - - Total non-current liabilities 26,892 16,946 - - Loans and borrowings 12 16,267 10,519 - - Provisions 14 1,203 1,062 - - Trade and other payables 15 20,351 22,351 431 379 Current tax liabilities - 937 - 6 Total current liabilities 37,821 34,869 431 385 Total liabilities 64,713 51,815 431 385 Total equity and liabilities 210,096 204,926 108,902 112,621 The notes on pages 72 to 138 are an integral part of these financial statements.