Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

49 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 PRINCIPLE 8 – STRENGTHEN RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPANY AND SHAREHOLDERS Recommendation 8.1 – Encourage Shareholder Participation at General Meetings Notice of the forthcoming AGM together with this Annual Report will be sent out to the shareholders at least 21 days before the date of the meeting to provide the shareholders with sufficient time to prepare for the meeting and to make informed decisions at the meeting. The Company will allocate time during the AGM and extraordinary general meeting(s) (“EGM”) for a Question-and-Answer session whereby the Chairman together with the other Board members will be present to answer any questions and possible concerns that the shareholders may have on the Group and its operations. Senior Management and the Group’s external auditors as well as the Company’s advisers are also available to respond to shareholders’ questions during the AGM/EGM as the case may be. Recommendation 8.2 – Poll Voting The Company shall conduct poll voting for all resolutions set out in the notice of any general meeting in accordance with the MMLR of Bursa Securities. Recommendation 8.3 – Effective Communication and Proactive Engagements with Shareholders The Board believes the AGM is a principal forum for communication with the shareholders. As mentioned above, the Company will allocate time during the AGM for shareholders to ask questions about the Group and its operations. In addition, shareholders are able to obtain latest information on the Group at the Company’s website and are encouraged to contact the Company should they require more information (Note: Contact details are listed on the website) . In this regard, Management has meetings and engagements with shareholders regularly upon request and through roadshows, dialogues and forums. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT