Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

47 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Director Title of Training Programme/Forum/Seminar/ Conference Date Lee Swee Hang • Corporate Governance Breakfast Series: Thought Leadership Session for Directors – Leading in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) World • CG Breakfast Series with Directors: Board Excellence – How to Engage and Enthuse Beyond Compliance with Sustainability • Regulatory Updates – Recent Amendments to Listing Requirements 2015 and 2016 13 Oct 2017 17 Jul 2017 28 Sep 2016 Law Yi Chian • Crisis Communications in the Digital Age • 21st Malaysian Education Summit: Education Reset – Changing with the Times • Economic Outlook 2017 • Corporate Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganisations: The Industrial Relations Perspective 26 Sep 2017 29 Mar 2017 17 Jan 2017 17 Oct 2016 Lee Eng Sang • CorporateGovernance Breakfast Series: Thought Leadership Session for Directors – Leading Change @ The Brain • CG Breakfast Series with Directors: Integrating an Innovation Mindset with Effective Governance • Regulatory Updates – Recent Amendments to Listing Requirements 2015 and 2016 5 Dec 2017 7 Nov 2017 28 Sep 2016 Dato’ Noor Rezan Binti Bapoo Hashim • Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2017 • Panel for “Forum Persidangan Pemimpin Pertengahan Sekolah Negeri Johor 2017” • Keynote Address, TFM Regional Conference 2017 • 4th Education Nation Conference - Schools • Ucaptama, Majlis Perasmian Hari Terbuka Gusto • Invitation to Public Lecture by Prof. Charles Hopkins • Bicara Tokoh – Cabaran dan Realiti Seorang Pemimpin Berprestasi Tinggi • 12th Khazanah Global Lecture 2 – 3 Oct 2017 1 Oct 2017 22 Jul 2017 19 Apr 2017 15 Mar 2017 27 Jan 2017 11 Nov 2016 31 Oct 2016 Lim Hun Soon @ David Lim • Half Day Talk: The Implication of MFRS 9 on Business Strategy & Cybersecurity Risk Implications • FIDE Forum – 2nd Securities Commission: Leveraging Technology for Growth • Affin Hwang Capital Conference Series 2017: Opportunities Amidst Geopolitical Shifts • AMLATFPUAA 2001: Risk Challenges & Vulnerabilities Towards Risk Based Approach • FIDE Forum – 3rd Distinguished Board Leadership Series: Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology, Viewpoints of an Entrepreneur • Cyber Security Workshop 2017: Cyber Security Essential for Board of Directors of Capital Market Intermediaries • Companies Act 2016 – Key Changes and Implications to Board • Compliance Conference 2017 • MFRS 9: Board of Directors and Board Audit Committee Status Update • Focus Group Session: Discussion in Preparation for Dialogue with BNM’s Senior Management 28 Nov 2017 14 Nov 2017 5 Oct 2017 19 Sep 2017 10 Aug 2017 8 Aug 2017 17 Jul 2017 18 May 2017 26 Apr 2017 1 Mar 2017 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT