Sasbadi Annual Report 2017

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 127 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 23. Financial instruments (continued) 23.5 Liquidity risk (continued) Maturity analysis (continued) Carrying amount Contractual interest/Profit rate Contractual cash flows Under 1 year 1 – 5 years More than 5 years 2016 RM’000 % RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group Non-derivative financial liabilities Bank overdrafts 8,592 4.55% to 8.17% 9,250 9,250 - - Bankers’ acceptances 807 4.99% 807 807 - - Finance lease liabilities 248 2.33% to 3.39% 290 145 133 12 Term loans 10,389 5.17% to 16.0% 13,997 1,570 5,247 7,180 Trade and other payables 22,351 - 22,351 22,351 - - Financial guarantees - - 338 338 - - 42,387 47,033 34,461 5,380 7,192 Company Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 379 - 379 379 - - Financial guarantees - - 19,788 19,788 - - 379 20,167 20,167 - -