PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

The Group also organised some trainings for employees to improve in work efficiency and better awareness of rules and regulations, such as:- • briefing for new employees to familiarise with the company environment and departmental requirements; • first aid training for proper and effective way to handle accidents related to injured employees at work, as well as to strengthen occupational health and safety to prevent unexpected occupational diseases or viruses; • fire-fighting protection training to enhance the awareness of fire prevention, and fire drill in a proper and effective manner; • on-the-job trainings based on the needs of respective positions and talents and interests of employees to enhance the employees’ work skills and techniques in term of technical and management skills; and • internal and external trainings for employees, including specialised trainings such as ISO trainings, tax and financial trainings, management trainings as well as soft skills trainings. During the Financial Year, trainings and guidelines on anti-COVID-19 are provided to employees so that they uphold and maintain appropriate hygiene standards and are competent to perform their duties in a safe and healthy manner at the workplace. The training outlines a series of preventive measures to minimise potential risks of virus transmission, which include clinical features, mode of transmission and incubation period, the proper use of mask, etc. It provides step-by-step procedures for wearing masks, monitoring of body temperature, and performing hand hygiene. The training ensures the employee keep high awareness of the virus and maintain good personal hygiene as well as build up good body resistance. 3.1.3 Labour Standards The Group has guidelines setting the procedures and standards on recruitment by the management and human resource team. It is to ensure staff employment strictly complies with local employment regulations. The guidelines are reviewed on a regular basis so as to ensure the consistency with any update of the relevant rules and regulations in all locations of the operations. 3.1.4 Work-life balance Work-life balance is one of the important elements in retaining employees in the organisation. In this spirit, the Group has organised various recreational activities to help relieve employees from work stress, as well as to foster employees’ relationship and bonds, such as:- • Weekly sports activities • Annual dinners • Team buildings activities • Festive celebrations 3.2 Anti-Corruption A series of policies, operating manuals and handbooks are in place which allow the Group to maintain high ethical standards and a workplace free from corruption. All employees are expected to discharge their duties with integrity and to follow relevant local laws and regulations. The Group monitors closely the conduct of its management staff to prevent wrong-doings among the Board, senior management and staff, such as prohibiting transfer of benefits while considering new customers, suppliers or any project investment. The Group has implemented the whistle blowing reporting procedures through the adoption of Whistle-Blowing Policy and Guidelines. Any person may report allegations of suspected serious misconduct or any breach or suspected breach of law or regulation that may adversely impact the Group, the Group’s customers, shareholders, employees, investors or the public at large. The Group adopted the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy pursuant to subsection (5) of Section 17A under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 that set out the Company’s responsibilities, and the responsibilities of those working for or with the Company including all directors, officers, employees, consultants and contractors in observing and upholding the Company’s position on bribery and corruption. PRG HOLDINGS BERHAD Sustainability Report cont’d 36