PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2020

38. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued) (b) Categories of financial instruments 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 Group Financial assets Amortised cost Trade and other receivables, net of prepayments 110,217 65,617 Cash and bank balances 34,874 23,386 Fair value through other comprehensive income Other investments 4,030 6,452 149,121 95,455 Financial liabilities Amortised cost Trade and other payables 111,408 133,581 Borrowings 61,218 32,999 172,626 166,580 Company Financial assets Amortised cost Other receivables, net of prepayments 128,609 125,727 Cash and bank balances 508 130 Fair value through other comprehensive income Other investments 4,030 6,452 133,147 132,309 Financial liabilities Amortised cost Other payables 31,693 11,265 Borrowings - 8,411 31,693 19,676 (c) Fair value information The carrying amounts of cash and bank balances, short term receivables and payables and borrowings are reasonable approximation of fair values either due to their short-term nature or that they are floating rate instruments that are re- priced to market interest rates on or near the end of each reporting period. Annual Report 2020 179 Notes to the Financial Statements 31 December 2020 cont’d