PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

PRG HOLDINGS BERHAD 50 PRINCIPLE C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS (continued) II. Conduct of General Meetings The general meetings are the principal forum for shareholders to dialogue and interact with the Directors of the Company. During the FY2019, four (4) general meetings were held, namely, the 18th AGM held on 19 June 2019 and the Extraordinary General Meetings held on 16 January 2019, 23 July 2019 and 8 October 2019 respectively to consider the corporate proposals of the Company. In order to ensure effective participation of and engagement with the shareholders, all Members of the Board attended the general meetings to respond to the questions raised by the shareholders or proxy holders and their opinions and concerns over issues relating to business and affairs of the Company. The Chairman of the Board chaired the general meetings in an orderly manner and allowed the shareholders or proxy holders to speak and seek clarifications on the resolutions tabled at the meetings. In line with the MCCG, the notice of the 18th AGM was issued to the shareholders on 19 April 2019, more than 28 days before the 18th AGM, and beyond the requisite 21 days’ notice as prescribed by the Companies Act 2016 and MMLR; likewise, the notice of the EGM was issued at least 14 days before the EGM in compliance with the said laws and regulations. The notice of general meetings provides details of the resolutions proposed along with background information and justifications for undertaking the corporate proposals alongside the recommendations from the Board. The Company adopted electronic voting technology and all the resolutions tabled for shareholders’ approval at the general meetings of the Company were voted by way of poll via live voting. This Statement was approved by the Board of Director of the Company on 6 May 2020. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT cont’d