PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

PRG HOLDINGS BERHAD 38 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT cont’d For any complaints from customers in relation to product quality, the quality control team will analyse the details of the complaints and the respective products and determine the reasons of and take safeguard measures to prevent it from happening in the future. The quality control team will identify reasons of defective products such as defective raw materials, improper or errors in manufacturing process or improper loading/unloading during transportation. The procurement team will communicate and verify with suppliers for the quality issues on raw materials. Suppliers shall bear the responsibility once identified and confirmed, such raw materials supplier will be removed from the suppliers list if defective raw materials are being identified repeatedly. If the errors are identified in manufacturing process, the quality control team will analyse the details including going through the manufacturing process with production team. The production team will take immediate assessment on the production process so as to improve the production process and avoid the repeated mistakes from occurring. The procurement team will communicate and verify with carriers for the improper loading/unloading and carriers shall bear the responsibility once identified and confirmed. Defective products will be collected from customers and replaced with new batch of products. The Group had registered four trademarks and six domain names in Malaysia and Vietnam which are material in relation to the business. In addition, the Group has set up customer services team that are in charge of handling customer complaints. The Group is also committed to protecting customer’s personal data. Data is the valuable asset of the Group. The Group has developed a policy of information management system to provide guidance to employees on control and usage of company data and to restrict access or use where necessary to protect the interests of the Group. Data is classified into different levels according to the confidentiality as public, internal, and restricted/confidential data. 2. Environmental 2.1 Environment Management System The Group understands the importance of environmental sustainability and protection. The Group takes measures to protect the environment in which the Group operates through the implementation of an environmental management system at the factories. The Group is committed to operating in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations in all material respects and protecting environment by minimising the negative impact of the Group’s operation on the environment. A subsidiary of the Group has been certified with the ISO 14001:2015 Certification for Environmental Management Systems issued by SGS (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and SGS United Kingdom Limited. For the other subsidiaries, the Group has also put in place the environmental management system that identifies and manages the environmental risks concerning the businesses. The Group is able to identify environmental opportunities, enforce programs, promote awareness among the employees and stakeholders and seek continuous improvement. 2.1.1 Emissions Major emissions of the Group are gas emissions from boilers and machines, sewage discharges from dyeing process and other associated hazardous waste from other production phases and construction sites. As the Group is committed to abide by all respective laws and regulations in the areas the Group operates in, the Group had obtained the registration books of hazardous waste generator for generating hazardous waste (such as waste oil, waste sludge, containers of chemicals) produced in the manufacturing activities. The non-hazardous waste, such as waste water from dyeing process, or other solid waste generated from the production process that require special treatment are complied with applicable environmental standards and measures in Malaysia and Vietnam. For the manufacturing process and construction sites, the Group has adopted the following measures including engaging an independent and licensed pollutant treatment company to dispose the hazardous waste, and wastewater was centrally collected and treated before discharged. The non-hazardous wastes and hazardous wastes were collected and stored separately, before being transferred to landfill for disposal.