PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

PRG HOLDINGS BERHAD 178 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2019 cont’d 35. OPERATING SEGMENTS (continued) 2018 (Restated) Manufacturing Retail Property development & construction Healthcare Others Elimination Continuing operations Total Discontinued operations Total Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Segment profit/ (loss) before tax (continued) - Net unrealised gain/(loss) on foreign exchange 161 - - - 132 8 301 (142) 159 Capital expenditure 1,245 1,843 527 - - (53) 3,562 1,739 5,301 Investments in associates - - 14 3,694 - - 3,708 4,175 7,883 Investments in joint ventures 1,146 - - 3,953 - - 5,099 - 5,099 Segment assets 93,635 5,189 44,207 8,921 104,044 (89,167) 166,829 259,060 425,889 Segment liabilities 17,291 30 140,664 8,423 19,677 (89,322) 96,763 163,466 260,229 Reconciliations of reportable profit or loss, assets and liabilities to the Group’s corresponding amounts are as follows: 2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 Loss for the financial year Total loss for reportable segments (69,500) (5,260) Tax expense (3,947) (2,820) Group’s loss for the financial year (73,447) (8,080) Assets Total assets for reportable segments 583,749 425,889 Tax assets 5,940 7,840 Group’s assets 589,689 433,729 Liabilities Total liabilities for reportable segments 365,520 260,229 Tax liabilities 4,626 1,343 Group’s liabilities 370,146 261,572