PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 177 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2019 cont’d 35. OPERATING SEGMENTS (continued) 2018 (Restated) Manufacturing Retail Property development & construction Healthcare Others Elimination Continuing operations Total Discontinued operations Total Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Revenue Revenue from external customers 73,639 - 10,486 - - - 84,125 64,501 148,626 Inter-segment revenue 252 - 33,313 - - (33,565) - - - Total revenue 73,891 - 43,799 - - (33,565) 84,125 64,501 148,626 Finance costs (677) - (281) - (91) 229 (820) (448) (1,268) Interest income 877 1 3 - 2,670 (2,897) 654 55 709 Net finance income/(expense) 200 1 (278) - 2,579 (2,668) (166) (393) (559) Amortisation of intangible assets (5) - (54) - - - (59) (21) (80) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (1,392) (1) (1,639) - - 7 (3,025) (1,656) (4,681) Segment profit/ (loss) before tax 5,001 (762) (12,242) (998) (3,630) - (12,631) 7,371 (5,260) - Net gain on disposals of property, plant and equipment 116 - 187 - - (56) 247 56 303 - Net gain on disposals of subsidiaries - - - - 4,765 (4,765) - - - - Share of profit of joint ventures 332 - - (172) - - 160 - 160 - Share of losses of associates (1,029) - (84) (56) - - (1,169) - (1,169) - Impairment losses on trade receivables (30) - - - - - (30) (441) (471) - Inventories written down (315) - - - - - (315) (114) (429) - Reversal of inventories written down 317 - - - - - 317 - 317 - Reversal of impairment losses on trade receivables 14 - - - - - 14 9 23