PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018

directors’ profile (continued) PRG HOLD I NGS BERHAD 31 Lim Chee Hoong Independent Non-Executive Director Date of Appointment: 21 July 2003 Length of Service (as at 31 March 2019): 15 years, 8 months Academic / Professional Qualification / Membership(s): • Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants • Malaysian Institute of Accountants • Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia Board Committee(s): • Audit and Risk Management Committee (Chairman) • Nomination Committee • Remuneration Committee Present Directorship(s): Listed entity: Other public companies: Choo Bee Metal Industries Berhad Nil Present Appointment(s): • Certified Public Accountant, Messrs CHI-LLTC • Independent Non-Executive Director, Choo Bee Metal Industries Berhad • Director, Lim Tang Tax Services Sdn. Bhd. Past Appointment(s): • Partner, Lee Teik Swee & Co. • Audit Senior, Kassim Chan & Co. (1990 - 1993) • Articled Clerk, Coopers & Lybrand (1981 - 1987) • Group Accountants and Group Financial Controller in commercial sectors from 1993 till 1997 Number of Board Meetings attended during financial year 2018: 5/6 M a l a y s i a n / 5 8 / M a l e nationality age gender Save as disclosed, the above Directors have no family relationship with any other Directors and/or other major shareholders of the Company, no conflict of interests with the Company nor any personal interest in any business arrangement involving the Company. The above Directors have no conviction for any offences within the past five (5) years (other than traffic offences, if any) nor any public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2018. All the Independent Non-Executive Directors satisfied the criteria required of an independent director as defined under Bursa Securities’ Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”), which include being independent of management, free from any business or other relationship which could interfere with the exercise of independent judgement, objectivity or the ability to act in the best interests of the Company, and also being independent of its major shareholders.