PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018

5. ADOPTION OF NEW MFRSs AND AMENDMENTS TO MFRSs (continued) 5.2 Explanation of transition to MFRSs (continued) (c) Reconciliation of financial position and equity of the Company (continued) Previously Restated Company reported Effects of under under FRSs MFRS 9 MFRSs 31 December 2017 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Non-current assets Investments in subsidiaries 74,655 - 74,655 Trade and other receivables 49,953 (91) 49,862 124,608 (91) 124,517 Current assets Trade and other receivables 17,004 (37) 16,967 Current tax assets 1 - 1 Cash and bank balances 128 - 128 17,133 (37) 17,096 Total assets 141,741 (128) 141,613 Equity Share capital 77,730 - 77,730 Treasury shares (87) - (87) Reserves 63,979 (128) 63,851 Total equity 141,622 (128) 141,494 Current liability Trade and other payables 119 - 119 Total liability 119 - 119 Total equity and liability 141,741 (128) 141,613 (d) Reconciliation of profit or loss of the Company Previously Restated Company reported Effects of under under FRSs MFRS 9 MFRSs 31 December 2017 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Revenue 26,594 - 26,594 Cost of sales - - - Gross profit 26,594 - 26,594 Other income 8,866 - 8,866 Administrative expenses (1,072) (26) (1,098) Other expenses (1,315) - (1,315) Interest income 2,527 - 2,527 Finance costs (7) - (7) Profit before tax 35,593 (26) 35,567 Tax expense (2) - (2) Profit for the financial year 35,591 (26) 35,565 103 PRG HOLD I NGS BERHAD notes to the financial statements 31 December 2018 (continued)