PRG Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018

5. ADOPTION OF NEW MFRSs AND AMENDMENTS TO MFRSs (continued) 5.2 Explanation of transition to MFRSs (continued) (a) Reconciliation of financial position and equity of the Group (continued) Previously Restated Group reported Effects of Effects of under under FRSs MFRS 15 MFRS 9 MFRSs 31 December 2017 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Equity Share capital 77,730 - - 77,730 Treasury shares (87) - - (87) Reserves 58,137 (3,660) (455) 54,022 135,780 (3,660) (455) 131,665 Non-controlling interests 28,891 (1,880) (248) 26,763 Total equity 164,671 (5,540) (703) 158,428 Non-current liabilities Borrowings 20,319 - - 20,319 Trade and other payables 9,556 - - 9,556 Deferred tax liabilities 857 - - 857 30,732 - - 30,732 Current liabilities Borrowings 8,250 - - 8,250 Trade and other payables 176,004 (25,208) - 150,796 Contract liabilities - 82,797 - 82,797 Current tax liabilities 1,198 - - 1,198 185,452 57,589 - 243,041 Total liabilities 216,184 57,589 - 273,773 Total equity and liabilities 380,855 52,049 (703) 432,201 2018 A N N U A L R E P O R T 100 notes to the financial statements 31 December 2018 (continued)