MISC Annual Report 2019

13. SHIPS, OFFSHORE FLOATING ASSETS AND OTHER PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D.) Cost Effect of At Currency At adoption of 1.1.2019 Reclassification translation At 1.1.2019 MFRS 16 (Restated) Additions Write-offs Disposals Transfers out of PPE * differences 31.12.2019 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Corporation - 31 December 2019 Ships Subject to operating lease as a lessor - ships in operation 9,980,691 – 9,980,691 107,475 (96,740) – – (9,789) (85,151) 9,896,486 Other property and equipment Freehold land 7,442 – 7,442 – – – – – (81) 7,361 Freehold buildings 22,770 – 22,770 – – – – – (237) 22,533 Motor vehicles 927 – 927 – – (545) – – (4) 378 Furniture, fittings and equipment 33,747 – 33,747 327 (128) (218) – – (366) 33,362 Computer software and hardware 166,450 – 166,450 531 (241) (2,107) 12,167 – (1,916) 174,884 Projects in progress 105,907 – 105,907 132,957 – (1,637) (12,167) – (2,376) 222,684 337,243 – 337,243 133,815 (369) (4,507) – – (4,980) 461,202 Right-of-use - office premise – 80,081 80,081 3,081 – – – – (587) 82,575 337,243 80,081 417,324 136,896 (369) (4,507) – – (5,567) 543,777 Total 10,317,934 80,081 10,398,015 244,371 (97,109) (4,507) – (9,789) (90,718) 10,440,263 * Reclassification out of PPE relates to capital expenditure which are reimbursable and reclassed to other receivables. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2019 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2019 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MISC BERHAD PEOPLE. PASSION. POSSIBILITIES ANNUAL REPORT 2019 298 299