MISC Annual Report 2019

Management Discussion & Analysis Code of Conduct & Business Ethics (CoBE) CoBE is one of the main elements of the MISC Compliance and Ethics Programme. The CoBE outlines the desired standards of behaviour and ethical conduct expected of each individual, directors, employees and thirds parties performing works or services for and on behalf of the Company. The CoBE also contains internationally benchmarked guidelines on workplace conduct, latest relevant local and international law practices and policy statements. MISC’s commitment in ensuring the highest standards of compliance and business ethics practices forms an integral part of our daily decision- making process throughout the Group. MISC Group Compliance and Ethics Programme which was implemented since 2015 outlines the policy, action plans and deliverables aimed at creating a sustainable business culture committed to integrity and ethical conduct. Compliance unit established Gap analysis Benchmarking & survey Developed MISC Compliance & Ethics programme Policy statement on Anti- Bribery & Corruption Due Diligence operational guidelines PDPA operational guidelines First annual CoBE refresher trainings Enhancements to whistleblowing initiative and channels Economic Sanctions and Export Control policy COBE awareness campaign ‘See.Speak. Support.’ Integrity day Report on Bribery and Corruption risk assessment Economic Sanctions supplementary guidelines Compliance champions Train-the-trainer Vendor Integrity Pledge CoBE for 3rd party CoBE e-learning Benchmarking & survey Commence ISO 37001 certification (gap analysis, internal audit) Corporate Privacy Policy Human Rights initiative ISO 37001 ABMS certified Annual Conflict of Interest declaration Human Rights commitment & Modern Slavery policy Personal Data & Information Notice roll-out Continuation See.Speak. Support. quarterly awareness sessions Revised Third Party Compliance Due Diligence operational guidelines CoBE Training for Third Parties ‘See.Speak.Support.’ Awareness Programme We continued our group-wide employee awareness programmes in 2019 to reinforce our commitment on all CoBE, supplementary policies and guidelines. More than 600 participants joined the ‘See.Speak.Support.’ programmes where external and internal speakers were invited to provide insights on compliance-related topics, and sharing of context and learnings from best practices and case studies. In 2019, the Compliance Unit also conducted the CoBE for Third Party Service Providers training session that was attended by 66 representatives across the supply chain. 2015-2016 2017 2018 2019 MISC Compliance & Ethics Programme 2020 Journey so far (2015-2019) Operating Responsibly Whistleblowing policy MISC Corporate Privacy policy & Master guidelines to the Corporate Privacy policy Third Party Compliance Due Diligence Operational guidelines MISC Competition Law guidelines Economics Sanctions & Export Control policy & guidelines Human Rights Commitment & Modern Slavery policy CoBE comprises of and supplemented by Gift & Entertainment policy 155 154 OUR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MISC BERHAD PEOPLE. PASSION. POSSIBILITIES ANNUAL REPORT 2019