KUB Malaysia Berhad Annual Report 2021

40. SEGMENT INFORMATION (cont’d) Business segments 1.1.2020 to 30.6.2021 LPG Agro ICT Others Eliminations Total (18 months) RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Note RM’000 Revenue External sales 451,026 82,756 38,290 11,965 - 584,037 Inter division sales - - 51 131,042 (131,093) A - Total revenue 451,026 82,756 38,341 143,007 (131,093) 584,037 Results Profit/(Loss) from operations 14,096 151,543 (2,085) (126) - 163,428 Finance income 1,522 697 260 3,234 - 5,713 Finance costs (717) (4,462) (1) (21) - (5,201) Share of results of associates - - - 3,851 - 3,851 Profit/(Loss) before zakat and taxation 14,901 147,778 (1,826) 6,938 - 167,791 Zakat 96 - - - - 96 Taxation (3,982) (5,053) (202) (75) - (9,312) Segment profit/(loss) 11,015 142,725 (2,028) 6,863 - 158,575 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 136 KUB MALAYSIA BERHAD