Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

CORPORATE MILESTONES t 0VS IVNCMF CFHJOOJOHT TUBSUFE when Kimlun Earthworks Sdn Bhd was incorporated. t ,JNMVO &BSUIXPSLT 4EO #IE changed its name to Kimlun Sdn Bhd (“KLSB”). t ,-4# JOWPMWFE JO CVJMEJOH construction and infrastructure projects with contract value less than RM20.0 million each in Johor, Malaysia. 1977 2005 2009 2006 2010 2011 2007 2008 1994 1997-2002 2002 2003 2004 t 41$ *OEVTUSJFT 4EO #IE (“SPC”) commenced its pre- cast concrete business. t ,-4# TFDVSFE J UT G JSTU contract wi th a value exceeding RM20.0 million for the construction of apartments and townhouses. t 41$ XBT BDDSFEJUFE XJUI ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management. t 41$ TVQQM JFE DPODSFUF sewerage tunnel segments to Pantai Trunk Sewerage Bored Tunnel project in Kuala Lumpur. t ,-4# WFOUVSFE JOUP TQFDJBMJTFE infrastructure construction by constructing the Tanjung Puteri flyover in Johor Bahru. t ,-4# WFOUVSFE JOUP ,MBOH Valley with the construction of 70 units of semi detached houses. t 41$ TFDVSFE JUT GJSTU TBMFT contract for the supply of concrete tunnel lining segments to Singapore MRT project. t ,-4# TFDVSFE TQFDJBMJTFE infrastructure construction project for the upgradingworks of the Perling Interchange in Johor Bahru. t ,-4# XBT BDDSFEJUFE UIF “ISO 9001:2000, Quality Managemen t Sys t em” certification. t ,-4# TFDVSFE UIF QSPKFDU for the construction of the elevated interchange along Johor Bahru Inner Ring Road – Package 3B Jalan Abu Bakar Interchange with a contract value exceeding RM100 million. t ,-4# GPSNFE *#4 %FQBSUNFOU to promote IBS construction methods. t * #VJMEUFDI 4PMVUJPOT 1UF -UE (“IBT”) was incorporated in Singapore. t ,-4# TFDVSFE J UT G JSTU Industrial Building System (“IBS”) building project from Iskandar Regional Development Authority at a contract value of RM142.81 million. t ,JNMVO $PSQPSBUJPO #FSIBE was incorporated as an investment holding company. t ,JNMVO $PSQPSBUJPO #FSIBE acquired KLSB, SPC and IBT in conjuction with its proposed ini t ial publ ic offering exercise. t ,JNMVO $PSQPSBUJPO #FSIBE was successfully listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 29 June 2010. t ,JNMVO $PSQPSBUJPO #FSIBE incorporated a new wholly- owned subsidiary namely, Kimlun Land Sdn Bhd (“KLLSB”). t ,JNMVO (SPVQ WFOUVSFE JOUP property development with its first development land in Cyberjaya, Selangor. Annual Report 2020 004