Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate social responsibility has formed part of the core values that Kimlun will always uphold while conducting itself as a responsible business entity. We are always mindful of contributing back to the local community where we derive our economic benefits. We recognise the FTTFOUJBM OFFET UP TBGFHVBSE UIF XFMGBSF PG PVS FNQMPZFFT BOE UP DPOUSJCVUF UP UIF DPNNVOJUZ XIFSF PVS (SPVQ PQFSBUFT JO *O MJOF XJUI UIFTF core fundamental values, we always strive to seek a balance between our social responsibilities and our obligations to maximise value for our shareholders. Welfare of Employees Human capital is the key asset of Kimlun. Our employees’ development is critical to the Company’s growth. We provide a conducive environment where our employees can explore, express, exchange and execute ideas for individual as well as collective excellence. 8F QSBDUJDF FRVBM FNQMPZNFOU PQQPSUVOJUZ BOE UIFSF BSF OP CBSSJFST UP FNQMPZNFOU PS EFWFMPQNFOU JO PVS (SPVQ CZ SFBTPO PG BO JOEJWJEVBM T gender, race, religion and age. The recruitment or promotion of a candidate is dependent on our organisational needs, the candidate’s skills, experience, core competencies and other qualities. 5IF (SPVQ T XPSLGPSDF TUBUJTUJDT BT BU %FDFNCFS BSF BT GPMMPXT AGE 36% <30 33% 30 to <40 95% Male 5% Female 18% 40 to <50 13% 50 and above ETHNICITY 27% Chinese 44% Malay 1% Indian 28% Others GENDER construction sites/production floor based 33% Male 67% Female GENDER office based 73% Male 27% Female GENDER managerial position 89% Male 11% Female GENDER overall SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Annual Report 2020 034