Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT We provide appropriate personal protective equipment to our employees in accordance with their job requirements; have in place in every construction sites safety devices such as safety net for arresting falling or flying objects for the safety of people beyond or below the net, and fire extinguishers for fire fighting purpose. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented various COVID-19 control measures. The objectives of the control measures are to: t "WPJE BOZ QSPCBCJMJUZ PG $07*% WJSVT GSPN TQSFBEJOH XJUIJO UIF XPSLQMBDF DPOTUSVDUJPO TJUFT BOE XPSLFST IPTUFMT t $POUSPM BOE NBOBHF $07*% JTTVFT t 1SPWJEF BOE NBJOUBJO B TBGF BOE IFBMUIZ XPSL FOWJSPONFOU GPS BMM FNQMPZFFT TVC DPOUSBDUPST BOE WJTJUPST We implemented various social distancing and work from home arrangements for all applicable employees. Wearing face masks is compulsory for all employees in public places and while in contact with others in the workplace. Employees must wear face masks when required and avoid the 3Cs: confined areas, crowded and close contact. Departmental, sectional or ad hoc meetings are allowed, provided the number of attendees for the area and physical distancing requirements are observed. Online or virtual meetings are highly recommended. We also ensured that we provided a clean and hygienic workplace by putting in place daily disinfection and sanitisation arrangements at our factories, construction sites and workers quarters. We also provide our employees with face masks, hand sanitisers and disinfectants to help them safeguard themselves from infection. "MM TUBGG IBWF UIFJS UFNQFSBUVSFT UBLFO VQPO FOUFSJOH UIF (SPVQ T QSFNJTFT 5IPTF XJUI B CPEZ UFNQFSBUVSF PG BOE BCPWF BSF BEWJTFE UP seek immediate medical attention. Health declaration is also compulsory for all visitors and employees. This health declaration determines the likelihood of the person contracting or developing symptoms of COVID-19. Employees who experience any symptoms are required to inform their superiors immediately. In compliance with the SOP prescribed by the government, we arrange for COVID-19 tests for selective groups of our employees, and we arrange our activities in such a way that ensure physical distancing. To relieve the financial burden of our employees in seeking medical treatment and ensuring medical treatment is sought timely, we purchase hospital and surgical insurance and personal accident insurance for our local employees, and workmen compensation insurance for our foreign labour. The following is the list of some of the safety and health trainings that our employees participated during the year under review: Training Subject No of attendees Total training hours Expressway Operation Safety 16 128 Safe Chemical Handling 23 322 Certified Environment Professional in Scheduled Waste Management 1 40 Basic Occupational First Aid 54 864 AVOID 3Cs Confined Areas Crowded Close Contacts Kimlun Corporation Berhad Registration No. 200901023978 (867077-X) 033