Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Occupational Safety and Health Safety and quality continues to be a priority in our operations. Occupational health and safety not only contributes to corporate goals but also plays a part in the social and ethical role of the organisation. We inculcate the culture of safety, health and environmental consciousness in our business operations, and provide and maintain safe systems of work, make arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of equipment and materials, as well as provide necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to our employees. Safety of our employees, customers, business associates and communities must be prioritized in all decisions making processes and shall not be compromised in any manner. In compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994, KLSB has a team of SH QFSTPOOFM XIP BSF TUBUJPOFE JO WBSJPVT DPOTUSVDUJPO TJUFT UP DIFDL BOE FOGPSDF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO PG UIF (SPVQ T 4) QPMJDJFT BOE QSPDFEVSFT and recommend appropriate compliance measures. This team is responsible to oversee the Safety and Health function matters of KLSB at respective project sites. SPC is accredited with Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification (OHSAS) 18000, an international standard which provides a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with SH within the workplace. It follows the guideline under the OHSAS 18000 as to its planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and SH management. The SH committee which comprises the senior management of SPC and representatives of production workers oversee SH matter of SPC. The SH’s activities include: t JEFOUJGZ BOE BTTFTT UIF QPUFOUJBM IB[BSET JO UIF XPSLQMBDFT BOE TVNNBSJTFE SJTLT JEFOUJGJFE JOUP B SJTL BTTFTTNFOU SFQPSU t GPSNVMBUF FNFSHFODZ SFTQPOTF QMBO t SFDPNNFOE 4) QSBDUJDFT BOE QSPUFDUJPO FRVJQNFOU UP NBOBHF UIF SJTL t DPOEVDU JOEVDUJPO USBJOJOH XIFO DPOUSBDUPST GJSTU FOUFS JOUP UIF OFX QSPKFDU TJUF t QFSGPSN QFSJPEJD UPPM CPY CSJFGJOH XIJDI FNQIBTJ[F PO 4) NBUUFST BOE FOGPSDF UIF SFRVJSFNFOU PG QFSTPOBM QSPUFDUJWF FRVJQNFOU BOE t DPOEVDU XPSLQMBDF BVEJU UP JEFOUJGZ 4) DPNQMJBODF /PO DPOGPSNBODF XJMM CF SFDPSEFE BOE BOZ JTTVF OPUFE XJMM CF GPMMPXFE VQ GPS resolution. We also require our sub-contractors to ensure their workers comply with SH practices recommended by us. KLSB implements a reward and punishment system which is applicable to both our and our sub-contractors’ workers. Workers who have shown good SH attitude, proactive in SH matters and comply with our SH requirements, will be rewarded with monetary incentives to be decided by the SH Committee. Workers who do not comply with our SH requirement will be imposed with penalty. Annual Report 2020 032