Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT We have taken the following actions to deal with the challenges and MSM identified: Category MSM to address Our actions Business (SPXUI t .FDIBOJTFE DPOTUSVDUJPO methods t 4IPSUBHF PG TLJMMFE XPSLFST t *ODPOTJTUFODZ PG RVBMJUZ PG products and services t $PTU DPOUSPM t "EPQUJPO PG JOEVTUSJBMJTFE CVJMEJOH TZTUFN i*#4w DPOTUSVDUJPO NFUIPE t 2VBMJUZ DPOUSPM UFBNT i2$ 5FBNw XIJDI DIFDL BOE SFWJFX RVBMJUZ PG PVS XPSLT BOE products, benchmarking against established standard such as the Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) quality rating system, Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS), and recommend ways to improve weaknesses identified t "DUJWF OFHPUJBUJPO BOE DP PQFSBUJPO XJUI TVC DPOUSBDUPST BOE TVQQMJFST JNQMFNFOUBUJPO of the approved policies and procedures governing the tendering process and project management process to achieve cost efficiency, service quality and reliability t .BUFSJBMT CVEHFUJOH QSJPS UP UIF DPNNFODFNFOU PG QSPKFDU BOE SFWJFX UIF NBUFSJBMT consumed against the budget t &OHBHFNFOU PG TVC DPOUSBDUPST CBTFE PO DMFBSMZ JEFOUJGJFE TDPQF PG XPSLT QFSGPSNBODF and basis of price t *OUFSOBM BOE FYUFSOBM USBJOJOH BOE TFNJOBS UP VQEBUF FNQMPZFFT UFDIOJDBM LOPX IPX t #VTJOFTT &YQBOTJPO t "DUJWFMZ FYQMPSF CVTJOFTT PQQPSUVOJUJFT PVUTJEF PVS IPNF CBTF OBNFMZ +PIPS t "DUJWFMZ TFFL GPS OFX UFOEFST WJB TUFQT TVDI BT GSFRVFOU DIFDLJOH UP 4JOHBQPSF BOE Malaysia government’s websites for information on projects under planning or in the pipe line, and tender invitation advertisements in newspapers, to identify business opportunities and ensure timely preparation for bidding t #JE GPS QSPKFDUT JO BGGPSEBCMF IPVTJOH TVC TFDUPST XIJDI DPOUJOVF UP TFF TUSPOH demand, and infrastructure projects t #JE GPS QSPKFDUT KPJOUMZ XJUI QBSUJFT XIJDI IBWF DPNQMFNFOUBSZ TUSFOHUI UP UIF (SPVQ t 1BSUJDJQBUF JO USBEF GBJS UP DSFBUF WJTJCJMJUZ Environmental t $POTVNQUJPO PG OBUVSBM resources t "EPQUJPO PG *#4 DPOTUSVDUJPO NFUIPE BT JU MFBET UP MFTT XBTUBHF PG NBUFSJBMT t 1SPQFS QSF QSPEVDUJPO QMBOOJOH BOE TUSJDU QSPEVDUJPO QSPDFTT DPOUSPM UP NJOJNJTF product rejection rate t 8BTUF NBOBHFNFOU t 3FDZDMBCMF NBUFSJBMT JG DBOOPU CF SFVTFE JO PVS PQFSBUJPOT XJMM CF DIBOOFMMFE UP recycling companies t &OHBHF XBTUF EJTQPTBM DPNQBOJFT UIBU DPNNJU UP EJTQPTF PVS DPOTUSVDUJPO XBTUF JO appropriate disposal sites, i.e. not by way of illegal dumping t -BSHF DPNNFSDJBM HSBEF XBTUF CJOT BU QSPKFDU TJUFT UP DPMMFDU DPOTUSVDUJPO XBTUF BOE non-construction waste to maintain cleanliness of project sites. The bins will be pulled out from the project sites at fixed intervals or as and when the bins are full, whichever is the earlier. t 1PMMVUJPO t $POTUSVDU UFNQPSBSZ FBSUI ESBJO XIFSF OFDFTTBSZ UP QSFWFOU XBUFS QPOEJOH BOE flooding t $POTUSVDU TJMU USBQ UP DPMMFDU BOE TUPSF TFEJNFOU GSPN TJUFT DMFBSFE EVSJOH DPOTUSVDUJPO t $POTUSVDU XBTI UISPVHI XIFSF FWFSZ WFIJDMF XBTI UIFJS NVEEZ UZSFT CFGPSF FYJUJOH UIF project site t 4IFFUJOH WFIJDMFT DBSSZJOH EVTUZ NBUFSJBMT PO MFBWJOH PVS GBDUPSZ UP QSFWFOU NBUFSJBMT being blown from the vehicles t 4QSBZJOH PG SPBET XJUI XBUFS VTJOH IJHI QPXFS XBUFS KFU UP NBJOUBJO DMFBOMJOFTT PG public road leading to the construction site t 0VS QSF DBTU DPODSFUF DPNQPOFOUT NBOVGBDUVSJOH BSN 41$ *OEVTUSJFT 4EO #IE (“SPC”) has been accredited with Environment Management System Certification – ISO 14000:2000 Certification and follow the guidance under this standard to minimise the environmental impact of its operations Annual Report 2020 030