Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Oversees the sustainability framework and policies AUDIT COMMITTEE Oversees audit or assurance activities with respect to sustainability management and reporting EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Comprises of all the executive directors of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries) t *EFOUJGZ UIF TUSBUFHJFT GPS UIF NBOBHFNFOU PG TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ JTTVFT t .BOEBUF UIF SFTQFDUJWF CVTJOFTT VOJUT UP DBSSZ PVU UIF TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ efforts (“SE”), and ensure best practices of sustainability are embedded across the Group BUSINESS DIVISION SUSTAINABILITY STEERING TEAMS (Comprises of senior management of respective business units) t %SJWF BOE SFWJFX UIF JNQMFNFOUBUJPO PG UIF 4& BOE JOJUJBUJWFT t 3FDPNNFOE JNQSPWFNFOUT UP 4& BOE BDUJPO QMBOT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 4VTUBJOBCJMJUZ JT BEESFTTFE BU UIF IJHIFTU MFWFMT BU ,JNMVO 0VS #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST PWFSTFFT UIF CVTJOFTT BGGBJST PG UIF (SPVQ BOE JT DPMMFDUJWFMZ responsible for our long-term success. The main duties of our Board include providing leadership on Kimlun’s overall strategy, which takes JOUP DPOTJEFSBUJPO TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ JTTVFT JUT GSBNFXPSL BOE QPMJDJFT 0VS #PBSE BMTP FOTVSFT UIF BEFRVBDZ PG UIF (SPVQ T GSBNFXPSL GPS SJTL NBOBHFNFOU BOE JOUFSOBM DPOUSPMT 5IF (SPVQ T TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ GSBNFXPSL DBO CF JMMVTUSBUFE BT GPMMPXT SCOPE OF SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING AND BASIS FOR THE SCOPE Our sustainability reporting covers our key business activities, namely construction and pre-cast concrete components manufacturing business carried out by our wholly-owned subsidiary companies. Property Development division has been excluded as its revenue contribution was minimal during the financial year under review, and almost all of its construction needs are performed by our construction division. It also excludes joint ventures for which Kimlun does not have full management and/or operational control. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Kimlun Corporation Berhad Registration No. 200901023978 (867077-X) 027