Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Our on-going projects and sales orders comprises contracts secured from, amongst other, Lebuhraya Borneo Utara Sdn Bhd, WCT $POTUSVDUJPO 4EO #IE 6&. 4VOSJTF #IE (SPVQ 4VOXBZ *TLBOEBS 4EO #IE )JMMDSFTU (BSEFOT 4EO #IE BOE $IJOB 3BJMXBZ 'JSTU (SPVQ Co. Ltd. Our on-going projects and sales orders include the following: B 5IF TVQQMZ DPOUSBDUT JO SFMBUJPO UP UIF TVQQMZ PG 4#( 5-4 and other precast concrete products to LRT 3, with aggregate contract value of approximately RM49 million. The supplies of products under these contracts are expected to be completed in 2021; (b) Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak (“PBH”) - Zecon Kimlun $POTPSUJVN 4EO #IE UIF $PNQBOZ T PXOFE KPJOU WFOUVSF company was awarded with a work package under the PBH for a contract sum of RM1.46 billion. The estimated completion period of the project is year 2022; (c) Main building works for 1 block of commercial building and 1 block of apartments at Medini Iskandar, Mukim Pulai, Daerah Johor Bahru, Johor at a contract sum of RM165.82 million. The estimated completion period of the project is year 2021; (d) Main building works for 2 blocks of apartments in Selangor for a contract sum of RM204.40 million. The estimated completion period of the project is year 2022; and (e) The supply of pre-cast concrete pipes to Singapore Deep Tunnel Sewerage Phase 2 projects for S$15.39 million. The estimated completion period of the project is year 2022. 5IF (SPVQ XJMM DPOUJOVF UP CJE BDUJWFMZ GPS QSPKFDUT BOE TBMFT PSEFST JO PSEFS UP SFQMFOJTI UIF (SPVQ T PSEFS CPPL BOE DPOUSJCVUF QPTJUJWFMZ UP UIF (SPVQ T SFTVMU JO BOE CFZPOE 5IF (SPVQ T USBDL record in the industries that it operates in, and extensive experience in our businesses, couple with the support from bankers, are good TVQQPSUJOH GBDUPST GPS UIF (SPVQ UP CJE GPS BOE FYFDVUF GVUVSF QSPKFDUT *O BEEJUJPO UIF (SPVQ IBT PCUBJOFE BEEJUJPOBM DFSUJGJDBUJPO GSPN $*%# in late 2020 on its qualification to construct hospital, this has further FYQBOEFE UIF SBOHF PG DPOTUSVDUJPO QSPKFDUT XIJDI UIF (SPVQ DBO bid for. 5IF (SPVQ FYQFDU TPNF UFOEFS PQQPSUVOJUJFT GSPN UIF GPMMPXJOH QVCMJD sector projects in 2021: (i) Phase 2 of Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak; (ii) Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) Sarawak; (iii) Johor-Singapore Rapid Transit System; (iv) Iskandar Malaysia Bus Rapid Transit; (v) Klang Valley MRT Line 3; (vi) Central Spine Road; (vii) Some hospitals projects; and (viii) Affordable housing projects CONSTRUCTION DIVISION PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MANUFACTURING DIVISION FOCUS AND STRATEGIES FOR 2021 t Focus in the execution of projects in hand t Leverage on the diversified construction services track record to bid for new public and private sector projects solely or jointly with parties whom have complementary strengths t Focus in the production of pre-cast components for orders in hand t Bid for orders from Singapore and Malaysia markets, including those in relation to MRT line, rail line, North South Corridor Expressway and private sector projects t Development planning of land bank in hand and in the pipeline; t Launching of 16 units of bungalows JO 4FMBOHPS XJUI (%7 PG 3. NJMMJPO t -BVODIJOH PG VOJUT PG TFNJ EFUBDIFE IPVTFT JO +PIPS XJUI (%7 PG 3. million Kimlun Corporation Berhad Registration No. 200901023978 (867077-X) 023