Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

Note to users of the RPV: 1. Should your application to join the meeting be approved, we will make available to you the rights to join the live streamed meeting and to vote remotely. Your login to TIIH Online on the day of meeting will indicate your presence at the virtual meeting. 2. The quality of your connection to the live broadcast is dependent on the bandwidth and stability of the internet at your location and the device you use. 3. In the event you encounter any issues with logging-in, connection to the live streamed meeting or online voting, kindly call Tricor Help Line at 011-4080 5616/ 011-4080 3168/ 011-4080 3169/ 011-4080 3170 or e-mail to for assistance. ELECTRONIC LODGEMENT OF PROXY FORM The procedures to lodge your proxy form electronically via Tricor’s TIIH Online website are summarised below: Procedure Action i. Steps for Individual Shareholders (a) Register as a User with TIIH Online t 6TJOH ZPVS DPNQVUFS QMFBTF BDDFTT UIF XFCTJUF BU . Register as a user under the “e-Services”. Please do refer to the tutorial guide posted on the homepage for assistance. t *G ZPV BSF BMSFBEZ B VTFS XJUI 5**) 0OMJOF ZPV BSF OPU SFRVJSFE UP SFHJTUFS BHBJO (b) Proceed with submission of Proxy Form t "GUFS UIF SFMFBTF PG UIF /PUJDF PG .FFUJOH CZ UIF $PNQBOZ MPHJO XJUI ZPVS VTFS OBNF J F FNBJM address) and password. t 4FMFDU UIF DPSQPSBUF FWFOU “KIMLUN 12TH AGM - SUBMISSION OF PROXY FORM” t 3FBE BOE BHSFF UP UIF 5FSNT $POEJUJPOT BOE DPOGJSN UIF %FDMBSBUJPO t *OTFSU ZPVS $%4 BDDPVOU OVNCFS BOE JOEJDBUF UIF OVNCFS PG TIBSFT GPS ZPVS QSPYZ JFT UP WPUF PO ZPVS CFIBMG t "QQPJOU ZPVS QSPYZ JFT BOE JOTFSU UIF SFRVJSFE EFUBJMT PG ZPVS QSPYZ JFT PS BQQPJOU $IBJSNBO BT ZPVS QSPYZ t *OEJDBUF ZPVS WPUJOH JOTUSVDUJPOT o '03 PS "("*/45 PUIFSXJTF ZPVS QSPYZ XJMM EFDJEF ZPVS WPUF t 3FWJFX BOE DPOGJSN ZPVS QSPYZ JFT BQQPJOUNFOU t 1SJOU QSPYZ GPSN GPS ZPVS SFDPSE ii. Steps for Corporation or Institutional Shareholders (a) Register as a User with TIIH Online t "DDFTT 5**) 0OMJOF BU t 6OEFS F 4FSWJDFT UIF BVUIPSJTFE PS OPNJOBUFE SFQSFTFOUBUJWF PG UIF DPSQPSBUJPO PS JOTUJUVUJPOBM shareholder selects “Create Account by Representative of Corporate Holder” . t $PNQMFUF UIF SFHJTUSBUJPO GPSN BOE VQMPBE UIF SFRVJSFE EPDVNFOUT t 3FHJTUSBUJPO XJMM CF WFSJGJFE BOE ZPV XJMM CF OPUJGJFE CZ FNBJM XJUIJO POF UP UXP XPSLJOH EBZT t 1SPDFFE UP BDUJWBUF ZPVS BDDPVOU XJUI UIF UFNQPSBSZ QBTTXPSE HJWFO JO UIF FNBJM BOE SF TFU ZPVS PXO password. Note: The representative of a corporation or institutional shareholder must register as a user in accordance with the above steps before he/she can subscribe to this corporate holder electronic proxy submission. Please contact our Share Registrar if you need clarifications on the user registration. (b) Proceed with submission of Proxy Form t -PHJO UP 5**) 0OMJOF BU t 4FMFDU UIF DPSQPSBUF FYFSDJTF OBNF “KIMLUN 12TH AGM - SUBMISSION OF PROXY FORM” t "HSFF UP UIF 5FSNT $POEJUJPOT BOE %FDMBSBUJPO t 1SPDFFE UP EPXOMPBE UIF GJMF GPSNBU GPS “Submission of Proxy Form” in accordance with the Guidance Note set therein. t 1SFQBSF UIF GJMF GPS UIF BQQPJOUNFOU PG QSPYJFT CZ JOTFSUJOH UIF SFRVJSFE EBUB t 4VCNJU UIF QSPYZ BQQPJOUNFOU GJMF t -PHJO UP 5**) 0OMJOF TFMFDU DPSQPSBUF FYFSDJTF OBNF “KIMLUN 12TH AGM - SUBMISSION OF PROXY FORM” t 1SPDFFE UP VQMPBE UIF EVMZ DPNQMFUFE QSPYZ BQQPJOUNFOU GJMF t 4FMFDU i4VCNJUw UP DPNQMFUF ZPVS TVCNJTTJPO t 1SJOU UIF DPOGJSNBUJPO SFQPSU PG ZPVS TVCNJTTJPO GPS ZPVS SFDPSE ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR THE 12TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (“AGM”) Kimlun Corporation Berhad Registration No. 200901023978 (867077-X) 181