Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

PROCEDURES FOR RPV Shareholders/proxies/attorneys/authorised representatives who wish to participate the 12th AGM remotely using the RPV are to follow the requirements and procedures as summarised below: Procedure Action BEFORE THE AGM DAY (a) Register as a user with TIIH Online t 6TJOH ZPVS DPNQVUFS BDDFTT UIF XFCTJUF BU . Register as a user under the “e-Services” by selecting “Create Account by Individual Holder”. Refer to the tutorial guide posted on the homepage for assistance. t 3FHJTUSBUJPO BT B VTFS XJMM CF BQQSPWFE XJUIJO POF XPSLJOH EBZ BOE ZPV XJMM CF OPUJGJFE WJB FNBJM t *G ZPV BSF BMSFBEZ B VTFS XJUI 5**) 0OMJOF ZPV BSF OPU SFRVJSFE UP SFHJTUFS BHBJO :PV XJMM SFDFJWF BO e-mail to notify you that the remote participation is available for registration at TIIH Online. (b) Submit your request t 3FHJTUSBUJPO JT PQFO GSPN Thursday, 20 May 2021 up to the AGM day, Friday, 18 June 2021 . Shareholders/proxies/attorneys/authorised representatives are required to pre-register their attendance for the 12th AGM to ascertain their eligibility to participate the 12th AGM using the RPV facilities. t -PHJO XJUI ZPVS VTFS *% BOE QBTTXPSE BOE TFMFDU UIF DPSQPSBUF FWFOU “(REGISTRATION) KIMLUN 12TH AGM” . t 3FBE BOE BHSFF UP UIF 5FSNT $POEJUJPOT BOE DPOGJSN UIF %FDMBSBUJPO t 4FMFDU i3FHJTUFS GPS 3FNPUF 1BSUJDJQBUJPO BOE 7PUJOHw t 3FWJFX ZPVS SFHJTUSBUJPO BOE QSPDFFE UP SFHJTUFS t 4ZTUFN XJMM TFOE BO F NBJM UP OPUJGZ UIBU ZPVS SFHJTUSBUJPO GPS SFNPUF QBSUJDJQBUJPO JT SFDFJWFE BOE XJMM be verified. t "GUFS WFSJGJDBUJPO PG ZPVS SFHJTUSBUJPO BHBJOTU UIF (FOFSBM .FFUJOH 3FDPSE PG %FQPTJUPST BT BU +VOF 2021, the system will send you an e-mail after 16 June 2021 to approve or reject your registration for remote participation. (Note: Please allow sufficient time for approval of new user of TIIH Online and registration for the RPV.) ON THE DAY OF THE AGM (c) Login to TIIH Online t -PHJO XJUI ZPVS VTFS *% BOE QBTTXPSE GPS SFNPUF QBSUJDJQBUJPO BU UIF UI "(. BU BOZ UJNF GSPN p.m., i.e. 1 hour before the commencement of the 12th AGM on Friday, 18 June 2021 at 2.30 p.m . (d) Participate through Live Streaming t 4FMFDU UIF DPSQPSBUF FWFOU “(LIVE STREAMING MEETING) KIMLUN 12TH AGM” to engage in the proceedings of the 12th AGM remotely. t *G ZPV IBWF BOZ RVFTUJPO GPS UIF $IBJSQFSTPO #PBSE ZPV NBZ VTF UIF RVFSZ CPY UP USBOTNJU ZPVS question. The Chairperson/ Board will endeavor to respond to questions submitted by remote participants during the 12th AGM. If there is time constraint, the responses will be e-mailed to you at the earliest possible, after the meeting. (e) Online Remote Voting t 4FMFDU UIF DPSQPSBUF FWFOU “(REMOTE VOTING) KIMLUN 12TH AGM” . t 3FBE BOE BHSFF UP UIF 5FSNT $POEJUJPOT BOE DPOGJSN UIF %FDMBSBUJPO t 7PUJOH TFTTJPO DPNNFODFT from 2.30 p.m. on Friday, 18 June 2021 until a time when the Chairperson announces the completion of the voting session of the 12th AGM. t 4FMFDU UIF $%4 BDDPVOU UIBU SFQSFTFOUT ZPVS TIBSFIPMEJOHT t *OEJDBUF ZPVS WPUFT GPS UIF SFTPMVUJPOT UIBU BSF UBCMFE GPS WPUJOH t $POGJSN BOE TVCNJU ZPVS WPUFT (f) End of remote participation t 6QPO UIF BOOPVODFNFOU CZ UIF $IBJSQFSTPO PO UIF DMPTVSF PG UIF UI "(. UIF MJWF TUSFBNJOH XJMM FOE ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDE FOR THE 12TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (“AGM”) Annual Report 2020 180