Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

200901023978 (867077-X) Kimlun Corporation Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) 24. Lease liabilities (cont'd) The remaining maturities of the lease liabilities are as follows: 2020 2019 RM RM Within one year 2,964,065 3,334,634 More than 1 year and less than 2 years 2,653,054 1,950,264 More than 2 years and less than 5 years 434,129 1,058,738 6,051,248 6,343,636 The movement of lease liabilities during the financial year is as follows: 2020 2019 RM RM At 1 January 6,343,636 - Effect of adoption of MFRS 16 Leases - 9,828,659 Additions (Note 13) 4,827,584 1,689,568 Derecognition (1,678,235) (1,723,991) Interest charged on lease liabilities (Note 6) 375,807 560,880 Payments of: - Principal (3,441,737) (3,450,600) - Interest (375,807) (560,880) At 31 December 6,051,248 6,343,636 At the reporting date, the interest rate of the lease liabilities ranged from 3.99% to 5.39% (2019: 4.92% to 7.00%). Group Group - 83 - Annual Report 2020 140 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020