Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

200901023978 (867077-X) Kimlun Corporation Berhad (Incorporated in Malaysia) 18. Properties held for sale 2020 2019 RM RM Cost At 1 January 388,938 1,829,232 Disposals (388,938) (1,440,294) At 31 December - 388,938 19. Land held for development and development properties (a) Land held for development Freehold and Development leasehold land costs Total Group RM RM RM At 1 January 2020 146,745,351 12,074,376 158,819,727 Additions 15,031,865 841,144 15,873,009 Acquisition of subsidiary (Note 16(d)) - 4,203,662 4,203,662 Write down of land held for development (Note 7) (3,326,279) (3,989,776) (7,316,055) At 31 December 2020 158,450,937 13,129,406 171,580,343 At 1 January 2019 61,319,072 8,922,414 70,241,486 Additions 85,426,279 3,151,962 88,578,241 At 31 December 2019 146,745,351 12,074,376 158,819,727 (b) Development properties Freehold and Development leasehold land costs Total Group RM RM RM At 31 December 2020 Cumulative cost of development properties costs At 1 January 2020 113,953,825 17,652,150 131,605,975 Costs incurred during the year 104,393 5,173,403 5,277,796 Reversal of completed units (47,035,626) (10,934,358) (57,969,984) At 31 December 2020 67,022,592 11,891,195 78,913,787 At 1 January 2019 101,436,203 4,016,618 105,452,821 Costs incurred during the year 12,517,622 13,635,532 26,153,154 At 31 December 2019 113,953,825 17,652,150 131,605,975 Group - 75 - Annual Report 2020 132 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020