Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2019 Kimlun Corporation Berhad NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the financial year ended 31 December 2019 (cont’d) 137 25. Trade and other payables 2019 2018 2019 2018 RM RM RM RM Trade payables Third parties 272,957,905 259,200,486 - - Amount due to a company related to certain directors 184,557 23,834 - - 273,142,462 259,224,320 - - Other payables Accruals 26,064,667 28,832,805 355,052 254,075 Third parties 26,387,153 65,173,546 663 5,320 Deposits payable 51,374 911,908 - - Amount due to company related to certain directors 2,830 - - - Amount due to subsidiaries - - 9,305 - Amount due to joint ventures 8,453,859 11,633,528 - - 60,959,883 106,551,787 365,020 259,395 Total trade and other payables 334,102,345 365,776,107 365,020 259,395 Add: Loans and borrowings (Note 23) 406,608,807 273,153,771 - - Add: Lease liabilities (Note 24) 6,343,636 - - - Total financial liabilities carried at amortised cost 747,054,788 638,929,878 365,020 259,395 (a) Trade payables These amounts are non-interest bearing. Trade payables are normally settled on 30 to 90 day (2018: 30 to 90 day) terms. Company Group