Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

Kimlun Corporation Berhad 95 12. Property, plant and equipment Plant, machinery Furniture Freehold Leasehold and motor and Construction land land Buildings vehicles equipment in progress Total Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Cost At 1 January 2017 5,186,536 16,394,806 69,806,162 170,891,351 8,565,976 2,683,917 273,528,748 Additions - - 114,052 74,381,612 1,062,686 2,484,000 78,042,350 Disposals - - - (5,675,928) (59,176) (898,650) (6,633,754) Written off - - - (63,808) (22,280) - (86,088) Transfer - - - 2,541,575 - (2,541,575) - At 31 December 2017 and 1 January 2018 5,186,536 16,394,806 69,920,214 242,074,802 9,547,206 1,727,692 344,851,256 Additions - - 1,798,226 61,326,981 584,877 220,215 63,930,299 Disposals - - - (1,474,159) (32,854) - (1,507,013) Written off - - - (88,467) (81,318) - (169,785) At 31 December 2018 5,186,536 16,394,806 71,718,440 301,839,157 10,017,911 1,947,907 407,104,757 Accumulated depreciation At 1 January 2017 - 956,982 10,039,188 103,146,051 3,599,416 - 117,741,637 Charge for the year (Note 7) - 205,139 2,199,662 23,442,388 800,516 - 26,647,705 Disposals - - - (5,615,225) (36,339) - (5,651,564) Written off - - - (22,322) (13,100) - (35,422) At 31 December 2017 and 1 January 2018 - 1,162,121 12,238,850 120,950,892 4,350,493 - 138,702,356 Charge for the year (Note 7) - 205,139 2,198,484 37,183,739 851,695 - 40,439,057 Disposals - - - (1,474,150) (22,927) - (1,497,077) Written off - - - (360) (34,583) - (34,943) At 31 December 2018 - 1,367,260 14,437,334 156,660,121 5,144,678 - 177,609,393 Net carrying amount At 1 January 2017 5,186,536 15,437,824 59,766,974 67,745,300 4,966,560 2,683,917 155,787,111 At 31 December 2017 5,186,536 15,232,685 57,681,364 121,123,910 5,196,713 1,727,692 206,148,900 At 31 December 2018 5,186,536 15,027,546 57,281,106 145,179,036 4,873,233 1,947,907 229,495,364 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the financial year ended 31 December 2018 (cont’d)