Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

4. Revenue (cont'd) (c) Other revenue Group Company 2018 2017 2018 2017 RM RM RM RM Dividend income from subsidiaries - - 17,100,000 19,234,000 Interest income from subsidiaries - - 1,891,350 1,862,157 Interest income from fixed deposits 48,812 297,944 48,812 297,944 48,812 297,944 19,040,162 21,394,101 5. Other operating income Group 2018 2017 RM RM Interest income from loans and receivables 1,451,250 1,696,001 Unwinding of discount on receivables 2,780,932 4,244,818 Rental income from machinery 491,472 464,085 Rental income from premises 260,065 211,049 Gain on disposal of plant and equipment 324,836 1,409,142 Gain on disposal of investment properties 18,953 - Miscellaneous income 3,017,750 794,404 Realised foreign exchange gain 9,487 - 8,354,745 8,819,499 6. Finance costs Group 2018 2017 RM RM Interest expense on: - bank loan, bank overdrafts, invoice financing and bankers' acceptance 6,292,932 4,281,294 - obligations under finance leases 4,150,515 2,169,763 - advance from joint venture 133,528 - Unwinding of discount on payables 2,296,926 2,911,376 12,873,901 9,362,433 Less: Interest expenses capitalised in development properties (Note 18) (992,146) (2,224,142) 11,881,755 7,138,291 Annual Report 2018 90 For the financial year ended 31 December 2018 (cont’d) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS