Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

To be a high-performance organisation, it is crucial to develop a competent, capable and motivated workforce that can meet the business challenges of today and tomorrow. The nature of our business is such that we require specialist technical and engineering expertise. Hence, we continuously undertake concerted efforts to groom our employees towards realising their fullest potential. During the year, we arranged numerous customised internal and external training programs in relation to our core businesses in order to improve our employees’ technical knowhow. Safety and quality continues to be a priority in our operations. Occupational health and safety not only contributes to corporate goals but also plays a part in the social and ethical role of the organisation. We inculcate the culture of safety, health and environmental consciousness in our business operations, and provide and maintain safe systems of work, make arrangements for ensuring the safe use, handling, storage and transport of equipment and materials, as well as provide necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to our employees. Various internal training and external courses in relation to occupational health and safety, and quality management system were conducted during the year to ensure a safe working environment, and that a systematic and efficient construction and production process was upheld. The Group has also looked into the training needs of departments such as finance and human resources department. Annual Report 2018 30 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT For the year under review, we have provided 3,500 hours of external training to our employees, which was approximately 9.6 hours per employee of executive level and above. This has surpassed our internal benchmark of a minimum of 6 hours per employee of executive level and above. We spent approximately RM131,000 for employees training and development. For employees below executive level, on-the-job training were provided. Contribution to Community We also serve the community to improve the quality of the lives of the less fortunate. During the year, we supported numerous organisations and causes, either directly or in conjunction with other enterprises, mainly via monetary contribution and sponsorship. Amongst the charitable bodies, parties and events that we had supported were Eco Tropics Development Sdn. Bhd. Charity Dinner, Mah Sing Foundation and Association of Parents and Teachers of various schools. We participated in various local government agencies’ initiatives to build a caring society with united and harmonious living environment. We also supported amongst others the Kempen Tabung Pahlawan, Tabung Kebajikan untuk Kakitangan Kementerian Kerajaan Malaysia and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Mental Selangor during the year. We made charitable contributions of approximately RM315,000 during the year. (cont’d)