Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

To relieve the financial burden of our employees in seeking medical treatment and ensuring medical treatment is sought timely, we purchase hospital and surgical insurance and personal accident insurance for our local employees, and workmen compensation insurance for our foreign labour. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility has formed part of the core values that Kimlun will always uphold while conducting itself as a responsible business entity. We are always mindful of contributing back to the local community where we derive our economic benefits. We recognise the essential needs to safeguard the welfare of our employees and to contribute to the community where our Group operates in. In line with these core fundamental values, we always strive to seek a balance between our social responsibilities and our obligations to maximise value for our shareholders. Welfare of Employees Human capital is the key asset of Kimlun. Our employees’ development is critical to the Company’s growth. We provide a conducive environment where our employees can explore, express, exchange and execute ideas for individual as well as collective excellence. We practice equal employment opportunity and there are no barriers to employment or development in our Group by reason of an individual’s gender, race, religion and age. The recruitment or promotion of a candidate is dependent on our organisational needs, the candidate’s skills, experience, core competencies and other qualities. The Group’s workforce statistics as at 31 December 2018 are as follows: Kimlun Corporation Berhad 29 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT Age Gender-construction sites/ production floor based Gender-Overall Ethnicity Gender-Office Based Gender-Managerial position Female Male 95% 5% Female Male 89% 11% Female Male 37% 63% Female Male 82% 18% Indian Malay Chinese Others 27% 25% 47% 1% <30 30 to <40 40 to <50 <50 and above 10% 16% 32% 42% (cont’d)