Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

Kimlun Corporation Berhad 131 (iv) Resolution 12 – Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back This resolution, if passed, will give the Company the authority to purchase its own ordinary shares of up to ten per cent (10%) of the number of issued shares of the Company. For further information on Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back, please refer to the Statement to Shareholders dated 29 April 2019 enclosed together with the Company’s Annual Report 2018. (v) Resolution 13 - Proposed Renewal of DRP The shareholder had at the AGM held on 22 June 2018 approved the authority for Director to allot New KLCB Shares in relation to DRP and such authority will expire at the conclusion of this AGM. The Company’s DRP provides the shareholders of the Company the option to elect to reinvest their cash dividend in New KLCB Shares. This resolution, if passed, will give the Company the authority to the Board to allot New KLCB Shares under the DRP in respect of dividend declared in this AGM and subsequently, until the conclusion of the next AGM. A renewal of this authority may be sought at the next AGM, at the sole discretion of the Board. (vi) Special Resolution – Proposed Alteration This proposed Special Resolution, if passed, will enable the Company to alter its existing Memorandum and Articles of Association/Consitution by replacing with a new Constitution which is drafted in accordance with the relevant provisions of Companies Act 2016, relevant amendments of Chapter 7 and other Chapters of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities and other provisions of laws and regulations that are applicable to the Company. For further information on the Proposed Alteration, please refer to the Appendix I attached to the Annual Report 2018. Authority For Directors to Allot Shares Pursuant To Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016. Kindly refer to item (ii) of Explanatory Notes on Special Business at page 130 and 131. Pursuant to Paragraph 8.27(2) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad STATEMENT ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE OF TENTH (10 TH ) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (cont’d)