Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

Kimlun Corporation Berhad 121 ANALYSIS OF WARRANT HOLDINGS As At 29 March 2019 No. of Warrants in issue : 58,954,600 No. of Warrant Holders : 1,293 Exercise Price per Warrant : RM1.68 Exercise Period : 13 March 2014 to 12 March 2024 Exercise Rights : Each warrant entitles the holder to subscribe for one new ordinary share Voting rights at Meetings of : One vote per warrant Warrant Holders Distribution of Warrant Holdings (As per Record of Depositors) No. of % of No. of % of Size of Holdings Holders Holders Warrants Warrants 1 - 99 54 4.176 2,576 0.004 100 - 1,000 388 30.007 217,025 0.368 1,001 - 10,000 580 44.856 2,393,837 4.060 10,001 - 100,000 225 17.401 8,034,437 13.628 100,001 – 2,947,729 * 44 3.402 23,012,725 39.034 2,947,730 and above ** 2 0.154 25,294,000 42.904 Total 1,293 100.000 58,954,600 100.000 * less than 5% of issued warrants ** 5% and above of issued warrants Directors’ Warrant Holdings (As per Register of Directors’ Warrant Holdings) Direct Interest Indirect Interest No. of No. of Name of Warrant Holders Warrants % Warrants % 1. Pang Khang Hau 3,641,900 6.177 - - 2. Pang Tin @ Pang Yon Tin 2,928,100 4.967 23,119,900 39.216 3. Sim Tian Liang 100,000@ 0.170 - - 4. Chin Lian Hing - - - - 5. Yam Tai Fong 450,000# 0.763 - - 6. Kek Chin Wu 78,500 0.133 - - 7. Dato’ Paduka (Dr.) Ir. Hj. Keizrul Bin Abdullah 13,000 0.022 - - 8. Chua Kee Yat @ Koo Kee Yat 7,800 0.013 - - Note :- @ Held in bare trust by Alliancegroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd. # Held in bare trust by TA Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd.