Kimlun Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

Kimlun Corporation Berhad 119 Total number of Issued Shares : 331,891,104 Ordinary Shares Number of Treasury Shares : 20,000 Ordinary Shares Class of shares : Ordinary Shares Voting rights : One vote per ordinary share Distribution of Shareholdings (As per Record of Depositors) No. of % of No. of % of Issued Size of Shareholdings Shareholders Shareholders shares* Capital 1 - 99 179 6.388 7.230 0.002 100 - 1,000 411 14.668 237,466 0.071 1,001 - 10,000 1,447 51.641 6,538,477 1.970 10,001 - 100,000 625 22.305 16,577,651 4.995 100,001 – 16,593,554 ** 138 4.925 173,709,437 52.342 16,593,555 and above *** 2 0.071 134,800,843 40.618 Total 2,802 100.000 331,871,104 100.000 * excluding 20,000 shares bought back and retained by the Company as treasury shares ** less than 5% of issued shares *** 5% and above of issued shares Substantial Shareholders (As per Register of Substantial Shareholders) Direct Interest Indirect Interest No of No. of Name of Shareholders Shares % Shares % 1. Phin Sdn Bhd 121,818,994 36,707 - - 2. Pang Khang Hau 19,661,849 5.924 - - 3. Pang Tin @ Pang Yon Tin 17,655,227 5.320 121,818,994 36,707 Directors’ Shareholdings (As per Register of Directors’ Shareholdings) Direct Interest Indirect Interest No. of No. of Name of Shareholders Shares % Shares % 1. Pang Khang Hau 19,661,849 5.925 - - 2. Pang Tin @ Pang Yon Tin 17,655,227^ 5.320 132,334,903 39.875 3. Sim Tian Liang 8,449,661@ 2.546 - - 4. Chin Lian Hing 8,857,386+ 2.669 - - 5. Yam Tai Fong 9,070,355# 2.733 - - 6. Kek Chin Wu 354,721 0.107 - - 7. Dato’ Paduka (Dr.) Ir. Hj. Keizrul Bin Abdullah 80,999 0.024 - - 8. Chua Kee Yat @ Koo Kee Yat 37,800 0.011 - - Note :- ^ Includes 11,692,624 shares held in bare trust by HLB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. @ Includes 2,711,611, 3,732,763 and 2,005,287 shares held in bare trust by Amsec Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd, Maybank Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd and Alliancegroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd respectively. + Includes 2,077,916 and 3,429,987 shares held in bare trust by Amsec Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd and Alliancegroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd. # Includes 2,799,284 shares held in bare trust by TA Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd. ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS As At 29 March 2019