89 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 11. Trade Receivables (cont’d) The loss allowance account in respect of trade receivables is used to record loss allowance. Unless the Group and the Company are satisfied that recovery of the amount is possible, the amount considered irrecoverable is written off against the trade receivable directly. The aged analysis of trade receivables as at the end of the reporting period are as follows: Gross Loss Net amount allowance amount RM RM RM Group 2018 Neither past due nor impaired 3,453,535 (48,340) 3,405,195 Past due but not impaired Less than 30 days 772,029 (21,314) 750,715 31 to 60 days 23,500 (964) 22,536 More than 60 days 1,108,668 (60,995) 1,047,673 1,904,197 (83,273) 1,820,924 Credit impaired Individually impaired 29,931 (29,931) - 5,387,663 (161,544) 5,226,119 2017 Neither past due nor impaired 2,692,646 - 2,692,646 Past due but not impaired Less than 30 days 305,757 - 305,757 31 to 60 days 19,981 - 19,981 More than 60 days 131,736 - 131,736 457,474 - 457,474 Credit impaired Individually impaired 12,208 (12,208) - 3,162,328 (12,208) 3,150,120 Company 2018 Neither past due nor impaired 3,290,140 (44,990) 3,245,150 Past due but not impaired Less than 30 days 756,874 (20,693) 736,181 31 to 60 days 23,500 (964) 22,536 More than 60 days 1,095,004 (59,875) 1,035,129 1,875,378 (81,532) 1,793,846 5,165,518 (126,522) 5,038,996 Notes To The Financial Statements 31 December 2018 (cont’d)