24 EXCEL FORCE MSC BERHAD (570777-X) ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Corporate Governance Statement (cont’d) PRINCIPLE A – BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (cont’d) II Board Composition (cont’d) 4.0 Board decisions are made objectively in the best interests of the Company taking into account diverse perspective and insights. (cont’d) 4.8 The summary of trainings attended by the Directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2017 is as follows: - Name of Director Training Programme Dato’ Norraesah Binti Haji Mohamad World Islamic Economic Forum Foundation Wang Kuen-Chung @ Jeff Wang Leading in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) World. Wong Kok Chau Capital Market Conference 2017. Gan Teck Ban Leading in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous (VUCA) World. Eng Shao Hon Capital Market Conference 2017. Aaron Sim Kwee Lein Cost of Capital and Discount & Premiums. Ng Kim Huat Driving Financial Integrity and Performance – Enhancing financial literacy Lok Choon Hong Case study workshop for Independent Director. 5.0 Stakeholders are able to form an opinion on the overall effectiveness of the the Board and individual directors. The Company conducts an annual assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the Board and the Board committee as well as the performance of each individual director through the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee (“NC”) of the Company comprises exclusively Independent Non-Executive Directors and its composition is as follows: - Name of Director Position Ng Kim Huat Chairman Aaron Sim Kwee Lein Member Lok Choon Hong Member The Nomination Committee shall meet at least once a year to carry out the activities as enshrined in its terms of reference, or more frequently as the need arises, at the discretion of the Chairman of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee has access to any form of independent professional advice, information and the advice and services of the Company Secretary, if and when required, in carrying out its functions. The Company Secretary shall record, prepare and circulate the minutes of the meetings of the Nomination Committee and ensure that the minutes are properly kept and produced for inspection if required. The Nomination Committee is authorised by the Board to act as follows: • To review nominations of new directors based on selection criteria such as the incumbent’s credentials and their skills and contributions required by the Company. • To ensure that the Board of Directors has an appropriate balance of skills, expertise, attributes and core competencies from its member. • To recommend to the Board of Directors the potential directors to fill the seats of the Board Committees. • To assess annually the effectiveness of the Board, its Committees and the contribution of each Director. • To review succession plans for members of the Board. • To recommend training needs to the Directors.