DESTINI Annual Report 2020

Access to Information and Advice Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time, date and agenda of the meeting together with relevant Board papers shall be forwarded to each director no later than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting. This is to ensure that Board papers comprising of due notice of issues to be discussed and supporting information and documentations were provided to the Board sufficiently in advance. Furthermore, Directors are given sufficient time to read the Board paper and seek for any clarification as and when they may need advice or further explanation from management and Company Secretaries. The deliberations of the Board in terms of the issues discussed during the meetings and the Board’s conclusions in discharging its duties and responsibilities are recorded in the minutes of meetings by the Company Secretaries. The Board has unrestricted access to all information within the Company as a full Board to enable them to discharge their duties and responsibilities and is supplied on a timely basis with information and reports on financial, regulatory and audit matters by way of Board papers for informed decision making and meaningful discharge of its duties. In addition, all Directors have direct access to the advice and services of the Company Secretaries who are responsible to ensure the Board’s meeting procedures are adhered to and that applicable rules and regulatory are complied with. External advisers are invited to attend meetings to provide insights and professional views, advice and explanation on specific items on the meeting agenda, when required. Senior management team from different business units are also invited to participate at the Board meetings to enable all Board members to have equal access to the latest updates and developments of business operations of the Group presented by the senior management team. The Chairman of the Board Committees, namely, the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee briefs the Board on matters discussed as well as decisions taken at the meetings of their respective Board Committees meetings. When necessary, Directors may whether as a full Board or in their individual capacity, seek independent professional advice, including the internal and external auditors, at the Company’s expense to enable the directors to discharge their duties with adequate knowledge on the matters being deliberated, subject to approval by the Chairman of the Board, and depending on the quantum of the fees involved. Theproceedingsand relevant resolutionspassedat theBoard meeting are duly recorded by the Company Secretaries, and properly documented and filed in the Minutes Book maintained at the Registered Office of the Company. 2. Demarcation of Responsibilities Board Charter As part of governance process, the Board has formalised and adopted the Board Charter. This Board Charter sets out the composition and balance, roles and responsibilities, operation and processes of the Board and is to ensure that all Board members acting on behalf of the Company are aware of their duties and responsibilities as Board members. The Board will periodically review the Board Charter and make any changes whenever necessary. A copy of the Board Charter is available at the Company’s website at www. . 3. Good Business Conduct and Corporate Culture Code of Conduct and Ethics The Board is committed in maintaining a corporate culture, which engenders ethical conduct. The Board has formalised the Code of Conducts and Ethics which summarises what the Company must endeavour to do proactively in order to increase corporate value and which describes the areas in daily activities that require caution in order to minimise any risks that may occur. The Code of Conduct and Ethics provides guidance for Directors regarding ethical and behavioural considerations and/or actions as they address their duties and obligations during the appointment. The Board will review the Code of Conduct and Ethics when necessary to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate. The details of the Code of Ethics and Conduct are available for reference at the Company’s website at www.destinigroup. com. Whistle-blowing Policy The Board has formalised a Whistle-blowing Policy, with the aim to provide an avenue and mechanism to all employees of the Group and members of the public to raise concerns related to possible breach of business conduct, non- compliance of laws and regulatory requirements as well as other malpractices. Corporate Governance Overview Statement 57 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD