DESTINI Annual Report 2020

Destini’s employees are its greatest assets, hence we proactively provide opportunities for growth and development for talent in the organisation through targeted development plans and succession planning. Ensuring our long-term sustainability, we continuously invest time and effort in recruiting (internal and external), upskilling, engaging and rewarding talents/employees of the organisation accordingly. Sustainability Report Safety Induction Training was conducted for all of our newly joined employees. The programme is designed to train employees to become fully aware of the safety and health measures and to meet the Department of Occupational Safety and Health’s guidelines. Workers are equipped with safety protective wear and equipment such as ear muffs for protection against noise pollution, goggles for protection against glare, dust, water and other particles, and gloves for the handling of chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials. Furthermore, safety briefings are compulsorily conducted to all factory visitors on the awareness of safety and health before entering to the factory. In an effort to address our Health and Safety concern, an Emergency Response Team is established which react and manage any incidents that may happen at our working environment. To add, the Group Hospitalization and Group Personal Accident Insurance are provided to the employees for their health and wellness benefit. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group has established and followed the Standard Operating Procedure to prevent the spread of Covid-19. All of our employees, visitors and customers required to go through body temperature screening upon entering our premises. Facial mask is required to be worn by every personnel with social distance being observed at all time within the premise. Common areas are also sanitised every two hours while a through sanitisation is in practice bi-weekly. This is one of the ways to safely protect our employees from the pandemic. Social Succession Planning For critical and leadership roles, succession planning is vital to our long-term performance as part of our Group’s sustainability move. Our Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review the Group’s human resources plan including the succession management framework and activities, human resources initiatives such as jobs and salary review, and the annual manpower budget. The succession planning across the Group is implemented by stages where the training programme is designed specifically for management staff. SafeWorkplace The Group believes that the safety and well-being of its employees is the foundation of its success. Hence, we strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees and to ensure safe practices in all aspects of our business operations. The Group has in place a policy that highlights our commitment to: • prevent injury and ill health to our employees; • e nsure compliance to laws and regulations in relation to occupational safety and health; • r equire contractors to meet our occupational safety and health standards across all operations; • s et targets and measures to drive occupational safety and health performance across the organisation; and • p romote a culture where all employees share the commitment to prevent harm to the safety and health of our employees, contractors and the general public. The Group is regularly engaging and educating employees to inculcate a culture of safety and compliance through safety and health training. In this context, the Group places utmost importance on compliance with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations such as Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994 and Factory and Machinery Act, 1997, as well as Integrated Safety Management Manual approved by the Board of the Company. 50 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD