DESTINI Annual Report 2020

Environment Suppliers To our suppliers, we are committed to enhance our processes and engage with our suppliers to identify and manage risks, increase productivity and efficiency within the supply chain, underpinned by values of integrity and transparency. We look to create value, by looking for opportunities to collaborate and to share best practices with our suppliers. In compliance with ISO 9001:2015, every specification and materials involved in the production and operation processes are being closely monitored. Hence, our suppliers are filtered through careful selection ensuring only the ones with specific criteria’s are engaged. Operations As our business involves manufacturing in which is heavily regulated by the various regulatory bodies, the Group is consciousof complyingwith all applicableenvironmental laws, guidelines and regulations in relation to emission standards, noise level management and treatment of plant effluents and waste water. The Group is committed that the business does not generate any major environmental concerns. Our standard operating procedures for environmental management include: • P reserving, conserving, minimising wastage of resources and ensuring that the work environment is free from pollution hazards; • C omplying with all acts, rules, regulations and orders of the Department of Environment; and • C ommunicating clearly to all employees, customers and suppliers to instil in them the environmental awareness culture and values of our Group. Waste Management Proper waste disposal has wide-ranging implications on the environment and the surrounding communities’ health. Eliminating waste altogether is obviously the ideal scenario though it is a daunting goal for the industry. The Group seeks to contribute whatever extent feasible towards the eventual realisation of total safe waste elimination. Part of the Group’s commitment to waste management is ensuring the disposal of scheduled waste is in compliance with the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations, 2005. In this respect, the scheduled wastes will be packaged, labelled and transported in accordance with the prescribed Department of Environment guidelines and regulations. Moreover, we are also certified with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 - Environmental Management System in providing MRO of safety, survival, search, rescue equipment. Aside to that, the Group also adheres to the Environmental Quality Act 1974, Environmental Quality Scheduled Waste Regulation 2005 and Inventory of Scheduled Wastes that is in compliant with oil and gas regulations. Paper recycling initiatives are already in progress by encouraging the employees to prioritise electronic means to share and store documents, and to reduce printing or photocopying, otherwise, to use double-sided printing. This habit of employees switching to electronic means to reduce the amount of paper wastage accelerated in 2020 because of the pandemic as most of our employees were working from home. Additionally, other materials such as furnishing and fixture are recycled or reused where possible. Waste segregation has been done by placing different bins in and around our warehouse. Waste segregation is planned to be fully implemented in the coming years throughout the Group where recycling stations will be set up in convenient locations. Water and Energy Saving Initiatives Water is a limited resource, and as the world continues to advance and the global population continues to grow, an increasing strain is being placed on the supply of clean water. Water conservation is therefore an area that our Group is working hard on, both improving the efficiency with which we use our water, as well as working to educate our employees and the public about the need to conserve it. We continue to implement energy-saving initiatives in the offices and continuously encourage staff to embrace energy- friendly alternatives. This includes promoting electricity conservation practice such as switching off the lights lunch when most staff are out of the office and switching off electrical appliances when they are not required. The Group has also shifted to the use of strategically place air conditioners as compared to the use of centralised air conditioner to minimise power usage. Sustainability Report 49 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD