DESTINI Annual Report 2020

Change in currency rate Effect on loss before tax RM Group 2019 USD/RM Strengthened 10% (907,602) Weakened 10% 907,602 USD/SGD Strengthened 10% 657,629 Weakened 10% (657,629) AED/SGD Strengthened 10% 1,022,739 Weakened 10% (1,022,739) EUR/RM Strengthened 10% (286) Weakened 10% 286 SGD/RM Strengthened 10% (18,752) Weakened 10% 18,752 CAD/RM Strengthened 10% (3,703) Weakened 10% 3,703 THB/RM Strengthened 10% (5,595) Weakened 10% 5,595 KYAT/RM Strengthened 10% (1,822) Weakened 10% 1,822 38. Financial Instruments (Cont’d) (c) Financial risk management objectives and policies (Cont’d) (iii) Market risks (Cont’d) (a) Foreign currency risk (Cont’d) Currency risk sensitivity analysis The following demonstrates the sensitivity of the Group’s loss after tax to a reasonably possible change in the USD, EUR, SGD, GBP, CAD, THB, KYAT and NOK exchange rates against RM as well as in the USD, EUR, GBP, RMB, AED, MYR and AUD exchange rates against SGD, with all other variables held constant: ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD Notes to Financial Statements 189